Realistic Suggestions for the 5 Month DownTime

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Abel, Jul 9, 2016.

  1. Abel Well-Known Player

    I wanted to make a thread for a realistic, reasonable suggestions that the DCUO Devs could implement to the game in order to keep players logging on and playing the game during the 5 month downtime. Here are some suggestions.

    1. Increase the Cap level from 30 to 40. This will give a huge incentive for players to log on and run content just to GET XP and progress and get to level 40. To me this is very reasonable and will not cost nor take that much time and resources to implement. This is the PERFECT time to implement a level cap increase.

    2. New LPVE Maps. According to a stream I remember that a Dev (I believe Loche) said that he could make an LPVE map "on his lunch break". My interpretation of that is that it won't take that much resources nor time to implement a couple of new Maps for LPVE.

    3. New Survival Mode Map. Similar thought process to suggestion #2. Low cost, time and resources but something that is "Kinda Fresh" and new just to keep the attention of the DCUO Gamers.

    What do you guys think? Once again, this thread is intended for reasonable, realistic ideas that are realistically cost effective and that will NOT take up much resources that the DCUO Devs can reasonably implement to keep players logging on during the 5 month downtime.

    Please post your constructive ideas and suggestions. Your well thought out ideas may just save this game.
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  2. DarkLadyAthena Dedicated Player

    Level cap isn't 30. Or it is, but the "real" level cap is the CR, and it increased with nearly every update. I think the current one is 190+ or so. Increasing the "level cap" from 30 to 40 is pointless.

    LPVE... these change frequently, so you always have something new to play. Wish we could get all at once, though, but that might mean there are very few people playing on each map.
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  3. TheDarknessWithin Loyal Player

    The reason 5 months is happening is that they are pushing the new progression system, large DLC, water, power balance and ep26.

    Realistically when do you think they'll have the time to make a new LPvE, SM or mechanically change the levelling system?
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  4. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    As was mentioned......

    There is a 5 to 6 months gap because they are working on a big episode and a bunch of other stuff.

    Heck some stuff that was already announced for 2016 has already been pushed back to 2017..... probably because they have to much on their plate already.

    So.... why do you think they could add even more work to their plate during that time???
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  5. Slade Wilson Devoted Player

    Complete nonesense point. You may have missed but upcoming changes and features are designed to get players faster through the levelling to encourage more alts for players. The XP progression is just not a thing in DCUO, the game below level 30 is or was meant as an additional tutorial and "get used to the game" ground. Sad thing is: players don't learn much from it, so devs come up with new things for the skip: they already announced a skip tutorial option and a level 25 booster that will allow you to go from scratch to level 25 and in theory should grant access to the final mission arc instantly (that arc is designed to boost any character to level 30 with its reward XP).

    So you basically suggest to keep players busy by doing stuff that will be worthless once the announced changes hit. Not a good idea.

    Yeah, Loche is doing a lot of stuff during lunch breaks. Sadly some of the initial content like the alert maps the LPVE versions are based on or the walk-in versions that served as a base for the T4 duos (which are also said to be one of Loche's lunch break projects) get changed during that process (probably due to the fact that it is done during lunch break).

    Counter suggestion: open every existing LPVE map for the 5 months so people can grind on whatever feat they miss.

    Agree, but not for the whole 5 months. Have the current SM map up for a while, then break, then activate the next one. Problem: does just give the endgame population content and does not necessarily encourage premium players to part with their money while the game is not coming up with new content.

    New special Booster Bundle, with a unique aura as the main prize (an unique meaning just that). The main aura can only drop once per server (so 4 in total). On Xbone, re-launch the old bundles (one per month) that have not been released on Xbone - this shouldn't be a problem for PC/PS players since any rare aura showing up on Xbone cannot impact the prices on the PS/PC servers. In turn, however, it is a good option to generate a huge money stream for Daybreak to cover for the 5 months without content, and the 10% of bonus will give players an incentive to stay subscribed.

    If the new unique auras drop to fast, recolor them and have another run 3 month later.

    Also, your initial approach is flawed: Daybreak does not need the players to login during these 5 months, they just need the players to keep the money stream up and not drop out of subscription. While keeping the game busy is one option, it is for sure not the only nor necessarily the best option. And keep in mind: we have one seasonal running and two more coming up during that time frame. Put in the right rewards - devs: Werebear or reptile head for Halloween, please! - and people will be busy for 2 of the 5 months already.

    PS/PC players offended by the Xbone only re-release of the previous booster bundles: Look at it from a sane perspective - your items are saved and the value won't drop, so you have no disadvantage and there is from the server point of view no messing with the "exclusive" thing; on the other hand the Xbone population gets utilized to keep the moneystream up while you won't have to spend extra money and may even be able to drop subscription for a month without having to fear that the game will go down - win/win!

    And for the Xbone players: that is your shot to get a huge amount of the items that are unavailable on Xbone on the one hand, while no one is forcing you to buy the stuff on the other hand, so you also face a potential win situation. It's the best way for the devs to keep the money stream up.
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  6. Jumpnit Dedicated Player

    This is not a small change because I assume you are suggesting that we get the additional 5 power points and 5 skill points to go along with the 10 extra lvls. That will in effect be a HUGE change to the game because half the powers that are somewhat balanced now would again be wildly out of balance being able to create loadouts that were not possible before.
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  7. TechWarrior0329 Steadfast Player

    Hmmmm 5 months with nothing new to do in game. What to do? What to do? Well....

    1. unlike a lot of players I don't rush to get to the highest CR 2 days after a new DLC arrives so I can continue to progress slow and steady and be at CR 170+ when all that new stuff hits.

    2. I have 13 ALTS all above CR 145 so when I finish getting one to Max CR I can do another and another and another....

    3. Keep doing older content and grabbing up even more SP since its going to MATTER again soon. Still like an answer on exactly when it DIDN'T matter? but hey that's just me

    4. Log out and watch stuff on and Netflix

    5. If all else fails I have heard a rumor of a fascinating place where the skies are blue and the sun shines down on you from above. They call it "OUTSIDE". LOL turn OFF the computer and go do something else!

    6. If all, all else fails get out the kid's old etch a Sketch and pretend its a computer and imagine I am defeating hordes of evil villains.

    Yeah that should be enough. Don't you think? lol
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  8. Hraesvelg Always Right

    1) Go outside for a change.

    2) Form a book club

    3) Take up knitting, make SJ a nice Wonder Woman blanket.

    4) Catch up on your TV backlog

    5) Get a jump start on your taxes
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  9. Ully Committed Player

    If they release another survival mode for that time frame, then I hope it's something fresh. I love SM, but we're on the 2nd cycle of SM maps and personally, I would like something new. I think a ToTD SM would work nicely and it would be a smooth transition into the grand finale of AF3. #ToTDSM. Make it happen Mepps.
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  10. TestReporter Loyal Player

    U know what happened to HH SM, people will say: "WTF! ToTD SM with more amazon fury content, WTF devs, we just got amazon content to get another, WTF!.
  11. WilderMidnight Steadfast Player

    I'm definitely going to use this to catch up on a ton of real life stuff i've been neglecting. i'm not going to stop playing but i can see myself playing much less for a few months. i'm going to try to clean up some old feats on my main, finally try to finish off the races. going to work on bringing some c list toons up to par with my main group.
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  12. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    Those are all fine suggestions...... but......

    People did not buy a 12 month subs to...

    Go outside for a change.
    That one can be done for free. ;)

    Form a book club
    Technically for free..... if you borrow books at the library.
    If you buy them books..... not really free....... but not covered by your DCUO Subs either. ;)

    Take up knitting, make SJ a nice Wonder Woman blanket.
    Making a WW blanket.... DC would take the blanket away same as the BvS Swag bags. ;)

    Catch up on your TV backlog
    No backlog. Everyone is caught up watchin Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow and Supergirl. ;)

    Get a jump start on your taxes
    Again.... no need of a DCUO subs to do that one. ;)
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  13. Ully Committed Player

    Yeah, probably. Some people love to complain. My point was, if they go with SM route, I would like to see something new. We've had Oan, Fos, TP and HH Sm's. A Batman or WW theme would break up the monotony of previous maps.
  14. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I feel bad for people who recently purchased a 12 month sub.

    Also a lvl boost from 30-40 would take 1-2 years to do, not 6 months.

    I am guessing in those 6 months they have to get those things that they outlined accomplished, along with a few new game style content for the month where content isnt dropping.
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  15. HideTheBodies Loyal Player

    Realistic? Really? Someone get an Inigo Montoya meme in here.
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  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    Stuff that wouldn't take too much effort, releasing all LPVE content, multiple promo legends per week, double mark events, super rare gear drop events, no loot lock events for solos or duos, no loot lock events for alerts and raids you are out of relevancy in, random free marketplace base/style item, continuous log in rewards, triple drop rate Promethean lockbox events, increased rare drops in vaults events, etc.

    And by events I mean it could be from 1pm to 10pm or from Monday to Thursday, etc.
  17. Controller Devoted Player

    Gives me time to take my Atomic Tank out for a run and finally learn how to tank.
  18. chaotic3430 Committed Player

    Go play one of the many new big name releases that are going to be coming out before Christmas, and maybe, maybe come back to DCUO, once they finally release something new and fix the many problems.
  19. RyderSM Well-Known Player

    They aren't going to add anything for those empty months. Just drop your sub and play something else.
  20. gruntsmith Level 30

    Definitely agree. They put xbox subscriptions on sale, and announced the mid year update the day after the sale was over. I'm kicking myself for getting the 3 months, so I would be real upset if I got the year
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