Real Question about wildly varying difficulty of bosses.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Alpha Maximum, Dec 16, 2021.

  1. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    I can play the same alert five times in a row and the boss fight wildly vary all five times in the bosses damage output and behavior since the stat clamp. This occurs with our same group as I expect some variation for thrown together groups being different in CR and augs, arts, etc.

    Just curious about it.

  2. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Which boss fight?
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  3. Qwantum Abyss Loyal Player

    Is it outside the realm of possibility that human error is at play?
    I mean, i finally got 1-shotted by elite sinestro yesterday from the orbitals…..
    I’d consider that “varying wildly” as i have never died to him before lol
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  4. Trykz Dedicated Player

    Had doomsday knock me out the other day, wasn’t paying attention to my cooldowns and without audio on console it was a fun rage crash that doesn’t happen almost ever any more lol.
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  5. Alpha Maximum Well-Known Player

    Human error and human bias are always a possibility but we (my group) have noticed it for a few months (after stat clamp) in a lot of the bosses newer and older. That doesn't mean we think it's because of the stat clamp we just started noticing it then. After years of the same runs fought the same way, you tend to notice the differences. We seem to see them running from minor challenge (as opposed to no challenge pre stat clamp for lower CR areas) to practically elite. We expect elite when we run elite.

    It's not really a complaint, it really is curiosity, as in game I have had quite a few mention it as well but that is all anecdotal.
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  6. metal1ix Well-Known Player

    Alerts can pretty much wreck you if you try to tackle them on your own. Some Duos are the same case.
  7. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Right but, you still need to mention at least one of these wildly varying alerts/bosses names though.

    Otherwise nobody can confirm or deny it or test it themselves, will be wondering what to do next, shrug their shoulders, and just leave thinking it was a once-off.