Raven's Destiny Glitch

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Voltage Man, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Rhys Myrrdyn New Player

    Well, I just tried it again, and it's still bloody broken. I did notice something I hadn't paid much attention to on previous attempts though. When it gets to the cutscene where Trigon and the White Raven are talking, there is no dialogue, and Raven is missing from the scene entirely. She usually appeared in the air right after Trigon talking, but there was no one there when the camera shifted. All the usual background effects were there though.
  2. ZergBlake New Player

    im a new player in this game, that is my first char and im stuck in this quest, i dont like to create another char :(
  3. Angeuis New Player

    Good evening I'm also a new player in this game and also have the problem with the quest of Raven says this complete but when I leave the site of the quest tells me I have to re-enter again, I hope you can fix soon because I really really like the game.
  4. Attar New Player

    I'm having the same problem, it's really annoying, please fix it :D
  5. blood bird02 New Player

  6. Grainger Tech Active Player

    I got them same email today.
  7. Paracaller New Player

    Another stuck new player here!
    A quick question for experienced players. How are SOE with addressing bugs like this? I'm enjoying the storyline on this char and I don't really want to re-roll with an new mentor, but I'm getting bored running this quest over and over!
  8. ZergBlake New Player

    mmh, now im only farming in the lvl 10 dung, i dont have more quests and dont like create another char :(
  9. DCUOThesaurus New Player

    There was an update that say they fixed it, does that work ?
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  10. thomasmilan18 New Player

    please tell me wat update
  11. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    Not fixed. Just happened to me.
  12. ZergBlake New Player

    i hate this dung, im only can gain exp repeating pvp quest
  13. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    some extra data related to that and other instances.... pitching some ideas to possibly try (troubleshooting) until it gets properly fixed.
    1. I can remember long long ago, I had left the instance after beating Raven in the T1 Challenge and did not get my mark several times. I tried to not leave as quickly and the problem did not occur again. I mention this to propose that someone try delaying exiting after beating Raven and see if that has a positive result. Happened with a few other Challenges too. many updates ago.
    2. Another idea, related to being stuck in combat in several instances, there may be an NPC hiding behind a short wall to defeat or absurd as it sounds breaking some barrels can end stuck in combat.... maybe some odd barrel or NPC still alive inside the instance is preventing the mission from completing (bug), and backtracking to destroy everything destructible in the instance may trigger the end of mission.
    3. Have you checked the Journal and it does say select a reward or something? Where once you pick a reward, in the journal, from possible options and click OK, the mission is then completed. I've not experienced the new rank up design, don't know if this select reward idea is applicable to that mission.
    4. This one is far out odd, have you tried in PvP phase and PvE phase? It should not matter, but when dealing with a bug, changing any variable is possible to get a different result. i guess. (Phase shifter is in HQ; can use freely, all the time)
    Good luck with troubleshooting efforts.

    Plan B) Can you visit prior instances, do again and get Exp and loot to potentially skip the Raven instance via ranking up and prompting new missions to do? I used to do that with alts, repeat instances to get a different blue loot piece from the instance boss and possibly an Epic (purple) item from certain bosses.
    If all my character slots were not used, i might make a new character to try the changes.
    good luck with waiting on a patch. The more details one can give might help devs to isolate the bug. (mentor, rank, weapon, power, PvE or PvP phase, NA or EU, and when you beat Raven are you stuck in combat state for an unusually long time. It always seems those aspects would not contribute to finding the bug, but it might.)
  14. Rhys Myrrdyn New Player

    Ok, I just ran through it once again, and it's still broken. I'm still getting 2 notable things to the soul self part of the mission that I mentioned before. The first is that the exit is labeled Return to Last Location rather than Exit Raven's Soul Self. The second is the missing part of the animation in the fight. After you beat the third Possessed Raven, there is a cutscene that shows Trigon speaking followed by Raven appearing in the white outfit. The whole cutscene is silent now, and Raven doesn't appear. The scene plays as though she appears, but she doesn't actually show up.
    There is one other thing I just remembered that has happened several times, but I didn't think to mention it. When you are fighting the last possessed Raven, she goes down, but the Raven in white continues to attack her. There is the tiniest sliver of HP on the bar, and the violet birds continue to fly toward that area a few times before you get the prompt to talk to Raven.
    I hope this info helps it get fixed since I really want to progress with this toon. On the plus side, maybe one of the times running through it, I'll finally get the epic piece.
  15. Max Dragonard Well-Known Player

    It would seem Raven's Soul never gets freed because the White Raven never appears in the cutscene. Support says:

    "Thank you for contacting Customer Support. I am sorry to hear that you are not able to complete The Demon Inside mission. This is currently a known issue which our development team is working to resolve. We greatly appreciate your patience regarding this matter. For the latest updates on our known issues, please keep an eye on the forums."
  16. Voltage Man New Player

    I'm just going to have to wait for a patch cause this is stupid I've tried everything that could work but it still ends up the same damn way.
  17. dark phoenix xD New Player

    i too... plz helt to complete the quest D:
  18. Cortana Level 30

    Annnnd to add Insult to Injury... with the GU 31 (ughh) update, there is no way to continue leveling the character stuck in this Raven Mission bug. Since they don't allow you to to ANYthing else till the mission is fully completed. Way to go, Sony! :)
  19. Rhys Myrrdyn New Player

    Here's something interesting I just discovered, but I'm not sure if it makes me hopeful or just more irritated. I just loaded up the test server and ran what amounts to the same hero through the whole Raven's Destiny mission series. The only difference between the two toons is that one is the one that is stuck and the other is level 30 with all the bells and whistles that you get playing around on test. The interesting part of it is that the mission works and completed just fine on the test server. The cutscene even played the way that it was supposed to play. The exit was still marked at Return to Last Location, but that didn't seem to matter since the mission completed the way it is supposed to complete.

    This alone makes me wonder why it is that they can't seem to fix the issue on the live servers. If it's working fine on the test server, shouldn't it work on the live servers?
  20. ZergBlake New Player

    when is the next mantainance?