Range Weapon Buff

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Lightmagic, Jan 14, 2014.

  1. Lightmagic New Player

    The bow has been shafted for long enough. It does less damage at range than most melee weapons. while it isn't the only range weapon that does low damage overall, I feel it or dual pistols do the least. It needs to change. I love the bow and continue to use it but always feel that I would be doing better or if I used a weapon like MA or DW. Please can the devs at least look at the damage. I know that they "balanced" the weapons in GU33 but the damage on the bow or other range weapons doesn't appear to have changed.
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  2. SparkClown New Player

    My humble opinion is that the ranged weapons should do the same damage as the melee weapons do at close range... that would make sense i think
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  3. Maxx_Watt Loyal Player

    Ranged was killed around GU13, prior to that everyone used ranged weaps for the most part. With all the blockbraking/stuns/knockdowns going on these days I don't see ranged as a viable choice in most situations, cetainly not worth making your main weapon IMO. Petsonally Rifle & DP were my favorite weapons & i would love to be able to use them with the same confidence I used to have.
  4. Mick Nugget New Player

    Well, in my humble opinion if logic were being used, ranged weapons like the bow would make up for their shortcoming in melee buffs like the 20 percent control resistance and 15 percent weapon crit mag by....

    Being strong ranged weapons :eek:

    Bow should be a deadly range weapon (should hit for dual weild type range damage) and onehander or dual weild should be deadly melee weapons and suck at range.

    And the same should apply to all melee and ranged weapons.
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  5. SparkClown New Player

    also why don't range weapon have more ranged oriented combos? I think only HB have ranged combos
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  6. NexGenX New Player

    +1 Since I've been waiting a range weapon overhaul especially for DP
  7. Solutha New Player

    bow has hidden combos :)
  8. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Im good with a small buff to ranged just leave melee alone.

    I remember the days melee weapons were useless
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  9. SparkClown New Player

    definetly but if you think of HB that is my idea of long range combo :) Not sure if i make any sense :)
  10. Lightmagic New Player

    On the subject of bow. Any chance of bow being put in to legends. It's the only original game weapon that isn't in legends :(
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  11. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    I'd love to see this as well. I use the bow in a arena's. But no option for it in Legends :(
  12. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Just need to take the cast bars off of the Bow/DP combos and all will be well.
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  13. Lightmagic New Player

    What do you mean exactly by this? Do you mean the attack should be insta cast, or just uninterrupable?
  14. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    You know how when you do the Handblaster Solar Flame combo, it's a hold, then a tap. But you can clip that tap!

    That's what I think DP/Bow needs.

    I should be able to do range tap, range hold, clip

    Or bow, 3 tap hold and clip for the arrow flurry.

    or even just the range hold on bow, let me clip it.

    That's just my feelings on it. DP might be a bit OP in that, but they could tone down the jump/slip a tad and it'd be perfect.
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  15. IGotYA New Player

    meaning we would be able to clip it without losing the damage.
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  16. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    aye this.
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  17. Lightmagic New Player

    Ah right yeah I understand. I agree, currently clipping arrow flurry means you only get the first initial hit. The hold triangle move would need a buff though even if it was clipable it doesn't do sufficient damage.

    The dual pistols would be a bit op but if you could still be interrupted even after the clip it would be viable in pvp as high damage vs easy counters.
  18. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Unless it's changed it does more damage than the MA hold, so it'd actually be a pretty awesome option for single target, rifle of course woudl be slightly faster and better AE, but at a 1.1 constant on rifle/MA, and a 1.6 on Bow you'd likely see it being a favored weapon for single target fights, esp with the longer combo of arrow flurry being single target as well.

    And yeah the damage on DP would be too high if they could clip jump/slip, but that's easily remedied by adjusting their animation lengths and damage.
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  19. IGotYA New Player

    right when OC came out i used bow/dps to dps with as ice dps did pretty good with it i think,
    but it didnt worked out so well in nexus.
    I think bow and DP are the only weapons that can make the prec HT mod work too, not sure tho.
  20. Lightmagic New Player

    Why can't the devs see the sense you speak??

    Also just on a side note, I miss the time when holding triangle on the bow was an insta bb. Was one of the best bbs that it had.
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