Raids: Bringing the gap closer together

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by DC Reaper, Sep 2, 2017.

  1. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    There is the Daily reward which gives one extra mark, but not much of an incentive for high tier players and task force x is in the same boat for the missions and raids.

    Possible solution I was thinking of is making a Random Queue generator (call is "Ambush Bugs special task force" or something dumb) that gives the people queueing up a few more marks/token/etc than usual with a piece of gear included and it send them into anything at random that is rarely queued, but the queue for random would be limited for up to 5 people so pugs get room to join.

    Our player base is already divided by status and cr being a major factor with less players online everyday.

    I was testing our queues and it took 30minutes-2hrs roughly to get into a raid between t4-t6. and of those raids it was a disband group among 3/ 10 groups. Usually due to low combat rating expecting a carry and other being the adds hit like a freight train keeping us far from the boss fights.
  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Lots of the lower game content still needs tuning, and the lack of support roles is something that needs to be addressed.
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  3. DC Reaper Well-Known Player

    I know I got on my low water toon to do Gorilla Island and the Gorilla mobs with ranged attacks at instant shot not like a projectile were hitting for 300+ damage and their melee hits were doing around 40-70