Not sure if this was posted or not, but i am returning back to the game after a long hiatus and noticed that this power isnt working the way it used to. once upon a time, you would activate the SC to negate rage crash and then push the button again to stop the SC, but now it does not give me the option to stop the SC. As it says in the description, you can press the command again to "turn it off" Also, the tactical mod for this SC also reads that you get a certain percentage of SC back for every second you have it activated (implying you can turn it off when you wanted) i am not getting that option to turn it off, and it seems it just runs for a set amount of time. Not sure if this is intended, but i would assume not as the descriptions have not changed. unless this is a specific interaction between this power and Eye of Gemini for some reason. ( i can test this a little later)
has nothing to do with Eye of Gemini, removed the art and it still wont allow me to shut off the SC. it acts like a normal power and goes on cool down
My friend recently came back to the game and decided to dust off his Rage toon. In talking we were under the impression that the Vindictive SC for rage didn't used to have a cooldown and could be turned on and off at the player's discretion. Now Vindictive has a 30 second cooldown and the power won't allow for cancelling. As this is not a damage supercharge and does nothing but allow said Rage tank to be less reliant on a healer, I don't see why this SC power even has a cooldown. I believe the cooldown should be removed all together or dramatically decreased to a base 10 seconds. The mechanic of this power is designed for preventing rage crash and is rather steep in cost as it is. This is an alternative method for rage tanking which the cooldown is making pointless to do. Given the mechanics of content in the last few DLC's, I believe this should be looked into and changed.