Rage?! - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. ManaBaddMan New Player

    half of that is the SC, literally. that is what a Supercharge is meant to do. to me rage dps it is a light/celestial mix, closer to celestial, but it is just easy mode. even easier then celestial was.

    although, i am sure it will see a nerf, and if i am right i will be fully convinced they do it on purpose
  2. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    New power comes out...it's broken and op..couple months later gets nerfed...same ol...same ol...are u guys surprised?
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  3. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    /shrug I don't blame them for anything like that. Chances they hit things perfect on the first go is very low. So might as well err on the side of high let us all have our fun, and then tone it down once they know how to fine tune it.

    And yeah I wish all SC were like Consecrated Grounds/Berserk. They are both amazingly powerful if used right. Most SC are all pretty /meh IMO.
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  4. Giggles Loyal Player

    Yeah in my opinion, they need slap a nice long cool down on outrage, then they need to significantly reduce the precision buffs, group damage buffs, etc. Those buffs are so broken right now it isn't even funny. :)
  5. Grid Ion Committed Player

    2 second cd on outrage would be just fine. Right now it's crazy spammable..
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  6. Lucaefor New Player

    In a competitive environment for a species with a social heirarchy releasing an OP powerset to appeal to the vanity and ambition of the average person isn't exactly a new concept for making money.

    Personally I don't believe we need to balance anything for PVE content - although seeing a 13k might tick on a Nexus boss did make me cringe somewhat. PVP is where the problem lies, this video just scratches the surface of how badly abusable the powerset is, wait until you see "unkillable" rage tanks taking 0 damage in PVP while dishing it out as hard as a DPS.

    Hopefully I speak for all of us when I say we would prefer the game makes money in an honest way like selling styles than via Pay to Win schemes.
  7. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Wouldn't that make outrage pretty useless in the melee department due to how the power works as burst?

    I think the only real issues rage really has is beserk, duration time needs to be less or the super has to be 100%. And ferocity and bloodlust stack.

    What do you find Op about outrage? It is a strong spammable melee, do you think outrage should of been swapped around with another power in the tree? So for example.. The 35% finisher should be the 50% modifier.... And outrage should be the 45% modifier like HLs whips that can be used at excessive speed with no animation?
  8. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    No as you'd just rotate with another combo. Same as a HL can't use ram-whip back to back, there's a small gap you have to fill. Revenge might actually get some use if outrage were changed.

    BUT I still think berserk needs a heavy nerf bat, then I don't think we'd be in all that bad of a situation. HL meleeing, rage meleeing, probably pretty similar, rage is just SUPER safe doing so. Another thing that was brought up on test, the durability of the DPS role.
  9. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Yea I see your point, still would of prefered if outrage and chain were the other way round in the trees with the modifiers, love a good finisher :D
  10. Gant Well-Known Player

    Meanwhile, over at the DEV Headquarters:
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  11. Grid Ion Committed Player

    HL whip and Claw have cds unlike outrage which has zero cd. So you can't compare them.
  12. Phantasy2013 Dedicated Player

    Stop the madness people. No nerf to Rage. Would be nice to just buff other powers and no longer nerf any powers just because of jealousy. SMH!
  13. Whiteroom New Player

    Have a look at this full run. Same guy. Same set. That is a pretty typical spread. Also, take into account that Kaiser is one of the best out there, and that people are also using his videos as arguments that it is too beefy. I too am interested in what would happen if other melee people got in close. A two healer set up would help keep them alive, so look at that as a side benefit to the powerset.

    Thank you for that second vid. To many people are looking at the points farming setup in the first room as being what typically happens in any fight with Rage. But I guess people will always cherry pick what they want to justify their position on the scoreboard. Like you vids btw, would be nice to be able to clip that fast on PS3.
  14. Zpred Dedicated Player

    Ok I np what about with the rest of what I said?
  15. surge914 New Player

    I'm surprised that people still act surprised haha.
  16. surge914 New Player

    I do not doubt for a moment that this is happening.
  17. Jbizzahalla175 New Player

    I switched one of my Alts that has 85 86 and a couple 88 pieces no mods and dps'ed trigon and I beat a full rage gear gadgets character....lol...I doubled his damage....wow...this power is incredible...it's insane how broken this power is...I'm gonna keep grinding on this character to get the full rage set....lol...can't wait...
  18. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Yeah that can be done too but it won't be that effective in balancing out the power as a whole. I mean that won't solve the problem of outrage being highly spammable. Because you see, as of now, Revenge is just useless and it can be put to good use if we increase the cd of outrage a bit like Jeebie said earlier.
    Since the second part of Outrage is blockable so I don't think a modifier reduction or any sort of base damage reduction is necessary.
  19. Tobias1978 New Player

    Ok i leveled rage up from scratch and it does feel powerful...dps is fun but comes at a high risk...you have to me in the mobs face...and uses a ton of power....tanking is the same way...don't block and spam powers and rage mechanic...no power means you die...better have a damn good troller with you our you die...it's not op for the power it uses to get those numbers...If they do lower the damage then they should lower the power cost as well... but the damage is on party with celestial and hl...Also most won't use rage because you actually need to do high risk high reward...most don't like that...
  20. Whiteroom New Player

    If you actually did this, its because the gadgets character sucks at his powerset. btw, I've been doubling people in pugs with whatever power I use. Most pugs are pretty mediocre players at best.
    Ram/Whip/Claw can be cycled without stopping, going easy on power, and is a highly effective rotation in melee situations. I used to love that rotation.
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