Rage?! - Odyssey

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Cold Fuzion, Jan 30, 2014.

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  1. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    Maybe because we know they are already working on the block glitch, and unless you figure out something new about it there's really not much to talk about? We know that it happens when you double tap for a roll, or if you try to do a second roll too soon. Possibly other cases, but unless I find another case I see no point to bringing it up again /shrug.

    Balance is a discussion, bugs are bugs. No one is saying "stuck in block is a feature, and it's fine as is" No, it's simply "yup it sucks" or sometimes we're lucky and someone figured out something meaningful (like the 2 known cases above). Balance is tough though and discussion is integral to it.

    There's also different areas of the game. Your audio issue with the mic is probably going to Homeslice (i'm guessing but see him commenting on a lot and only audio issues). Spord handles the powersets IIRC, so you wouldn't see him handling crashes in JSA HQ.

    Also not every decision/fix takes the same time. If they could hotpatch a fix for block getting stuck they would have already. But they were able to fix rage tanks getting buffed off object and rage mode not being debuffed and hotfixed it last night.

    If I thought my posting about balance would keep them from fixing bugs or getting us more content, I'd shut up, but I really don't think it does.
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  2. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player



    If Odyssey is gonna call out Rage, at least point out everything in the video.

    Facts: 1. Breaking the scoreboard down

    A. By the end of the 4 Lex, Rage dude was beating Ahnur by 350k.

    B. Lets assume Rage dude did another 350k at the last boss of Lex over Ahnur.

    A+B = 700k total roughly from the spam of Berzerk/Bloodlust/Violence/Trinket/Supply drop buff

    C. Rage dude beat Ahnur by 1,000k.

    1,000k (Total diff) - 700k (From A+B) = 300k

    300k means that the rage dude out DPS Ahnur only by 300k from after the first room to the start of the last room.

    D. Ahnur is not even on the same level of DPS when you compare him to O-Chill or Stables.

    Fact: 2 . Berserk SC could be the most powerful SC or it could literally cause the party to wipe.

    Scenerios: a. Odyssey video = OP, godly dmg when you stack it like the dude did and took advantage of the other bosses.
    b. From Range = WTF no dmg, zippo. Zero. PoS SC.
    c. Melee when boss happens to block = you die, possible party wipe, dps wasted, SC wasted, and etc.
    c. The fact you must be in melee range = possible AoE death where SC & DMG is LOST.

    See the trend here? the SC only works in the most perfect scenario. Think about it, it just happens that the 2 boss fights that odyssey pick is actually the BEST SPOT to pull off a Berserk buff show case. There is no better content in this game to pull off a berserk buff and throw out damage like that.

    If Odyssey want to really point out an issue with rage, have someone like Stable or Ob-Chill on HL DPS with the Rage dude do A&B or Speed Run Paradox from the PoV of the HL. I guarantee this wont even be a discussion. I also guarantee the video won't happen because it won't work in their favor.

    My personal opinion: To people that understand the video will know that rage was not what was pumping the OP dmg, it was the prep work done to make it happen, something that the Topic creator should have mentioned. Anyway, I feel that Berserk should stay exactly the way it is. Why? Because it's IMPOSSIBLE to replicate such damage in this game in any other T5 content with guarantee results. There been so many times I died the moment I pop the SC or get countered. That is not only a wasted SC but wasted damage as well. This SC is extremely unique to the point that it has every right to be the most powerful SC but as I mentioned earlier, it could also ruin a win for the group.

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  3. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    the only thing that makes me :confused: about rage is that it is beating out 103 healers in healing out, lol.
  4. details26 Committed Player

    Another thing people don't realize is that all the crazy damage is from berserk. But the downside to berserk is that you have to be right next to the enemy for it to actually activate and repeat your damage.

    Here's my solution, make berserk a 100% supercharge and just increase the power cost of outrage all together. Don't go and make this a 1 hand nerf and completely demolish it. Don't touch the damage, touch the power cost and the supercharge.
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  5. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    8 out of 12s it heals itself for any damage taken.

    In theory it should crush healers.

    In reality, yeah it's going to be right around the same healing maybe a tad more .

    It's funny though.
  6. Bast10n Committed Player

    They may not write him off as bad but they may not include him in their raid either... Being excluded for the sheer fact that your power set is deemed as being weaker than others is just wrong.

    104/174 Sorcery DPS for A&B
    100 Rage Dps for A&B

    Which one do you think the Group will pick up...
  7. TK PUSHA Dedicated Player

    ya, i figured that, but i was still :eek: when i saw it the 1st few times on the scorecard, lol.
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  8. Whiteroom New Player

    Actually exclusions from raids due to being Celestial or Rage happen in almost every pug. Everyone assumes every power overwrites. Most pugs I join that already have one, I just see a "you left the group" message as soon as I state my power.
  9. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    Another thing is the video Kaiser made which is slightly off topic but people are using it to try to prove a point. Is the HL buff with B.Lust? To make that testing accurate, the HL need to have the buff on him as well since it's a share buff. If the answer is no, I think the HL would beat Rage in the testing with the dummies when you give the HL the additional 45% buff and 10% crit bonus/weapon.
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  10. JEEBIE Steadfast Player

    The rage because the sorc is lying?

    Got a buddy with 2 OP rings, full Rage gear, and a recruiter utility belt, still 103 cr.
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  11. COMBATICUS Dedicated Player

    You guys still not seeing this. He's the ONLY attacking upfront everyone else a're ranging. While I agree there is going to be some tweaks to rage cuz of all the cry babies, but honestly u telling me melee isby better than range?? Also what surprises me is none of the bosses BLOCKED. I ran this last tonight and was a pain to attempt because they kept blocking more than attacking.

    While I didn't have the best group I was with CR 101 groups, and it was a smooth run even with my bezerk I ended up more on my butt than I attacked. We a're at the end of t we have better gear more skillpoints and some leagues play this and know the game inside out so of course the power will be OP...I rgather see gadgets and HL and celes melee with rage I promise they will all be in line with dmg, the run I had the other day was me (rage) and a HL and celes. While I was at 1.7mill by end of raid the celes was 75k away from.me and HL was at 1.6mill. Mind we all ranged! Also celes was hb and me and HL were using DW. Seriously u guys need just quit with all tthese netting, buffing and nerfing. I'll admit they killed electricity and earth but that don't mean a power is OP.
  12. Whiteroom New Player

    Yeah, throw some shields on the other two, send them up with the Rage and the pre-Berserk damage should be quite close. I imagine the Odyssey guys could halve the battle duration doing this.
  13. Ogat New Player

    This naturally is completely fine. Beeing able to stack your buffs and generate so much dmg per second that you outdps a similary geared and skilled dps by 350k in 30 seconds, you really think so? Other powersets have moves that can be blocked while keeping full range yet they don't get to derp away at a boss like that.
  14. CrappyHeals Devoted Player

    they where just examples of the many bugs, im just tired of these forums consisting of nerf this over and over its sad. If everyone complained about the stuff thats broke as much as nerfs maybe thing would get fixed.
  15. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Tell everyone this,

    Go buy a set of t4 DPS gear, mix in a 84 weapon or even a 85 trigon, maybe even one piece of Atlantan monarch, mod it with t5 mixed or synthetic not expert mods. Go in there with a most cr 99 or 98 geared group.

    They that same rotation and see how much as a responder to me out it c r a p all over the other DPS by a mil. My bet is you would spend most if the fight Ko d
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  16. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    God hoe could I miss it, your tight he wasn't on point with is rotations, clipping everything perfectly, trinkets, supercharges, never saw a second animation.

    Your right astonishing he was a total noob under geared who had no idea what or how he was doing and crapped all over other DPS by over a mil, you sir are on point and I stand corrected
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  17. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    I'm not kidding at all
    And ivy birds aid bit was mostly a pug run in her response to me

    But whatever is whatever at appropriate gear levels he's dead trying that rotation, if everyone in the raid is geared at appropriate levels he so ends more time kod with that rotation than alive
  18. Whiteroom New Player

    Fair point, without the 90 gear the one shots would have got him for sure. So I guess this only works well in raids you are over geared for. It will still have a dramatic effect in PVP (hate PVP btw). Even in mostly 90 gear last night, with the rest 88, I got KO'd a few times.
  19. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    If that combo does not keep up it's not because of outrage it's be acute of beserk and my bet it's some in 103 gear with 103 trolls and heals can more then keep pace.

    Plus in content your not over geared for that to action will get you killed, dead equals no DPS.

    While it is very impressive to watch and he is very skilled the only reason people are gawking all over it is because rage is new, if HL gadgets was the first video to melee curb stomp nexus there would not be such an out cry, wait there are three up on you tube from a 2 min search and no one is screaming about that
  20. Jaye31987 Well-Known Player

    I guess you didn't read my whole post? Due to the duration of the buff and how fast a group of dps could beat the first/last room of Nexus, rage could easily destroy that room with the 4 nexus and the last room easily as you saw in the video, since they are buff w/ bersek most of the fight. Assuming they don't get put on the floor...
    There is no other content in T5 that rage could shine like in that video to get that type of damage, at that rate. None. They wont even get half that rate in a full boss battle in A & B. It's like Mass det, it's one of the strongest powers with 4 lexs and 3, but Mass det don't cut it on the solo lexs or any content that is below T5 with high level gear.

    Berserk is a huge reward or death SC. In A & B, the moment you pop the SC, you gonna fight thru those 12 seconds or Die and lose more DPS then what you would have gotten by not risking it.
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