Rage: New Tanking Mechanic, sounds beast!

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by SamJohnson322, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. QuaTumTroLL Well-Known Player

    Why do you think that? Fire was the "BEST" DPS before they killed it and it's a tank power use some common sense please.
  2. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    I just looked the game up. Seems interesting. Will probably be what borderlands should have been. Also just so people know, Elder Scrolls Online will have a multi class system. Every one can do damage and you load out is linked to the two weapons you can swap to on the fly. You can either heal by being a paladin or by using a restoration staff, which anyone can use. There is a tank like class, a stealth class, and two different magic classes. Each class has three trees and each weapon and skill can be improved with experience. There is also light, medium, and heavy armor. Which will either let you regen magicka or stamina faster, or mitigate more damage.
  3. undevinez New Player

    for one ice dps can use all the ice tank shields making them hard to hit along with there high aoe abilities and ability to distance them selves by freezeing opponets.
    once your frost bitten your volderable to all ice critical attacks, due to being frost bitten and being attacked durring that state.
    yes you can break free but while almost every move give ice users soe type of shield
    and being continually frost bitten you will eventualy run out of mp or be crushed be critical damage. now if the ice users power runs out then yes they will be crushed
  4. Green Lantern Fadi Loyal Player

    again no video proof
  5. Ice Lantern New Player

    Absolutely nothing you said there counters what he is saying. All you did was give a very general description as to how someone might Ice DPS.
  6. Nature Active Player

    the new dlc coming out sounds great. i love this game. on the other hand i am BORED with everything! the dlc/powers are coming out to slow. they need to make some new low and mid level content as well as the high level. some new content in the low/mid level stuff would keep alot of people happy running new things and getting new styles. i think the new power coming out is great although there should be about 5 new powers coming out not 1. i have talked to several people and all agree with these ideas do to the fact they are also BORED!
    i also think they need to make a ton of new feats also giving us stuff to do.
  7. Nature Active Player

  8. undevinez New Player

    why does it matter was your comment even relevant or necessary ? i was saying how a ice dps could win over a lantern
  9. undevinez New Player

    lol video proof your not gonna find that but if you on ps3 i can show you because im modding my new t 5 ice dps
  10. undevinez New Player

    from the way things are looking with every new dlc theres a new weapon or power.

    so far we have receved 2 new powers back to back counting (WFL pt 1 )

    and with the amazon dlc i have a strong feeling we will get a new weapon or 2
    im thinking sword in shield combination because the new 52 Ww uses one or the whip or claws you never know tbh
  11. undevinez New Player

    also there are tons of quanto dpses and i know a few mental
  12. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    Are you doing duos and solos? Because you aren't ever going to do any control effects as a dps.
  13. undevinez New Player

    it all depends on how you mod your gear and i was doing raids t4 and 4 man ops
  14. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    Rage Crash will either make or break the Tank. To be honest, I can see a lot of fail Tanks by the lack of experience in the playerbase now. Everyone will try to be a Rage Tank.
  15. 13igtyme Devoted Player

    It doesn't matter, unless there is an ice tank in the raid, a dps will never have enough dominance to do any control effect.
  16. Ice Lantern New Player

    In that case, your comment wasn't necessary either. It doesn't add anything to the discussion nor does it counter his argument. All it does it outline how an Ice DPS can beat a horrible or vastly-lesser-geared Light DPS. Good job.
  17. BeeztyLegend New Player

    *sigh* There is, nor ever was, nor ever will be, a BEST POWER!! My cousin is Fire DPS and it is sauce, as SAUCE as any other power in the game depending on how you use it SIR!!!!!!

    WTF?!?!?! What Borderlands should have been? I really do not think so sir. That is such a leap in assumption!! I personally HATED Borderlands but such is life. I am beyoned hyped for Elder and Destiny. May end up taking me away from DCUO tbh.
  18. undevinez New Player

    this guy

    and if your on ps3 look up xshizamx hes a full prideful geared light dps so you assumed wrong

    it all depends on skillbut you dont know what that means do you.

    non the less this is not worth my time.
  19. Ice Lantern New Player

    Skill matters, yes. Doesn't mean that the tools they use are equal. But you don't know what that means, do you?
  20. FLASH42 New Player

    They also said that you can counter the rage crash if u have mastered the moves