i know the damage of the last hit got nerfed on test (buffed compared to live) but i could've sworn it was stated that we could use it midrange (12.5m) like artic gust and EMP...i tested on live, and it only goes about half the distance of those other two powers. is this intended? or did the distance get nerfed as well once it hit live? i was planning on using frenzy in situations where it was unsafe to melee, but the distance needed is terrible and i may as well be using melee. anyone have any insight on this?
It doesn't work from 12.5m, only deals damage within 7,5m meaning you're better off using other melee moves. Also I ran a few parsers (parsners?) and DB came on top by average of 1.5k for 10 second checks. So no, frenzy is not a midrange move we've been waiting for.