R&D Idea: Transmute Role Gear

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by xhalur, Sep 17, 2014.

  1. xhalur Well-Known Player

    So, since we can already transmute Exobits, what if a set of Plans, possibly broken up by tier, were added to the game that would allow you to transmute role-gear into either other role-gear or DPS gear?

    This could help to sort of "kill two birds with one stone", by expanding the current usefulness of R&D and by allowing people to transmute role-gear into a set that they could actually use for themselves for whatever purpose they may need (either for gearing up in lower-tiered content or acquiring styles).

    As far as styles are concerned, this could help certain powersets acquire styles that are currently unavailable to them (such as Controllers being able to earn the Seraph style, Healers being able to earn the Kryptonian style, Tanks being able to earn the Talon Lord style, etc.) by transmuting those gear pieces into something they could actually use. This could also be an alternative idea for removing the current role restrictions from T3 gear so that people can gain those extra styles and thus, more SP.

    Not sure if this is either a good or bad idea yet since it's just a rough draft right now, but it's been something bouncing around in my head for some time now. Obviously there would be no Plans available for top-tier gear in order to prevent people from gearing up too fast or reduce Replay Badge sales, with T6 gear only being able to be transmuted after T7 comes out, etc.

    Love it? Hate it? Too OP? Have something else to add?

    What are your thoughts?
  2. MetalMario Loyal Player

    I don't think something like this should be introduced to allow people to get styles, but it would be great for allowing people to switch powersets and have a decent set of gear to use without having to horde unattuned stuff. This has been preventing me from spending money on a power respec recently, actually.
  3. Sapphire Melody Well-Known Player

    I'll go with too OP :)
    While it does sound nice, consider how much this would reduce the replay value of lower content. For example: I need Runes of the East, so I grind t4ops. Normally I'd need 8 runs, when I can use one item out of 4. With the transmutation, I'll need 2-3 runs. (It's an exaggeration, deal with it)
  4. xhalur Well-Known Player

    Just out of curiosity, could you elaborate on why you think it shouldn't be allowed to get styles?

    People are always complaining and mentioning SP, so wouldn't people acquiring styles that they normally couldn't get by transmuting gear and thus earning Feats/SP from them be a good thing for a character's progression?
  5. RoxyStormbringer Dedicated Player

    I like the idea, but it would be too op, because we would get styles and gear much faster than we should be. People complain about how low the drop rate is in T6 content, but the rate is the same as it was in previous tiers, it just doesn't seem like it because we always saw gear it was just unusable by our role at the time.
  6. MetalMario Loyal Player

    There's no need to make it easier. People already have: running instances like normal, rare style vendor, getting the styles on different toons and using replays. This would detract from the achievement of getting the skill points by making the feats much easier to acquire for no real reason.
  7. xhalur Well-Known Player

    As far as lowering the replay value of lower content, that'll happen anyway when people finish the feats and styles that they need, regardless of how long it would take them. Besides, wouldn't the other popular forum alternatives to that (personal teleporters and/or forced-queue for the On-duty menu) do just that as well, especially since it would result in even less people grouping for lower-tiered content since they'll just wait until they're overgeared and then solo everything for whatever else they still need? Besides, even with T6 being out, a lot of people still to this day enjoy the Batcave and FoS raids, so I don't really understand where you're coming from with your answer.
  8. HumanoidThrills Well-Known Player

    I think it would work for weapons.

    Say you are running content that drops unatuned gear and get fifteen or so weapons that are all types you don't want; we should be able to break them down for pieces to make one weapon of equal level of the type we choose. 15-20 sounds fair when you consider drop rates and cost of tier vendor weapons.

    I think this should work cross role as well. We pick a weapon at the beginning of the game and then spend half of it using something else.
  9. xhalur Well-Known Player

    I mentioned in my original post that the current top-tier would be exempt until after the next tier comes out (no T6 transmutable Plans until after T7 comes out, etc.).

    Besides, with each DLC the Devs release, they try to make it easier to get gear for people so they can catch up to the current end-game content, so wouldn't it be beneficial to be able to transmute gear from lower-tiers and thus also get SP from completed styles as well?