Question regarding trade practice

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Brit, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. Brit Loyal Player

    I recently reverted myself to Premium to ride out the Open Episodes until the time the Legendary Sub holds a little more value again. This is my first time in many years not being a Legendary Player, and while I have barely even noticed an inconvenience, I did run into a little hiccup today that had me curious.

    I got a White/Black Neon Material in one of my Mega-ultra-thunder-dragon-tiger-shogun-ninja-zord capsules.

    Personally, I don't really care for Materials. It's just a personal preference. Aesthetically, I prefer to have control of my color pallet, and to retain the fine detail on the style pieces. The loss of detail and pre-set colors just don't work for most of what I have envisioned. I considered using it just for the feat, but then I realized there are still a handful of other Time Capsule styles I don't have, and for some reason this one seems to price at significantly higher than what anything else does. I assume that's because other players actually want to display them, and if there is another player who is going to actually get enjoyment out of using it, then it seems silly for me to boil it down to being just a feat.

    So I figured I'd trade it away. Being premium, I am no longer interested in cash, so I started to put together a list of the collection pieces to the handful of time capsule things that I hadn't completed yet. I figured I'd just trade it over for a similar value worth of stuff, and complete a couple of different collections, get slightly higher payoff in the way of skill points, and maybe even pick up a style that I might want to display every now and then.

    My question is, how are other players conducting these bigger trades? When a trade is going to involve multiple windows to complete, how can you ensure you're not going to get ripped off? I don't want to do something dumb, but I also don't want to look like an idiot making some sort of unusually suspicious request for how the trade will be conducted. So I figured if there were other people who had done some big ticket trading, I'd like to hear how they go about it so that I know what the normal procedure is like.
  2. MrStoob Well-Known Player

    I've not traded often in this particular game, BUT due to other MMOs I've played there's one trick that a lot seemed to fall foul of - the pressured switcheroo.

    They're busy! You're busy! We ain't got time for this shizzle! They'll show the item you want in trade, then close trade. "oh sorry, my bad, had to reply to something" or "oh i'm such an idiot". This may happen a couple of times, then it'll become really important and time sensitive. Basically, they have an item that has the same icon as the item you want and due to pressuring you to make the trade quickly, will add the 'fake' item in the hope that you're desperate enough to not double-check the item.

    In your case for example, that could easily be Time Capsules - they'll show you Shazam/Atantean/whatever caps in the first instance, but when it comes to the trade they'll attempt Oracle's.
  3. Rainnifer Committed Player

    I had a very similar situation to this during one of the very few (probably only tbh) times I did a trade. They were saying exactly what you said, but I'm not dumb and asked them what are they doing, and made sure what I was buying was in the trade window.

    Due to my suspicions on trading I don't do it often and honestly OP I don't recommend doing trades that involve multiple trade windows. You would be better off figuring out any higher ticket collections you may need, that could make up the price for the neon within a single trade window.
  4. Brit Loyal Player

    Ugh. That's honestly what I was afraid of. I don't want to have to trade and then re-trade and try to keep flipping things until I get to what I want.

    I think I'll just use it for myself rather than deal with the headache.
  5. Berza Committed Player

    There is an option that involves a legendary player whom you trust absolutely. Give the Neon to them for them selling for cash and buying with that cash the things you want.