Question regarding Heartshard waist (healer)

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Xeranx, Feb 25, 2013.

  1. Xeranx New Player

    I looked up drop locations for various armors. As far as Heartshard is concerned, I've received everything but the waist. A website that I found said that it's normally in the weekly reward box after beating the Tier 3 East End Regal Hotel instance. I did what I never wanted to do and bought replay tokens pursuing just this one piece and now I'm on the verge of being burned out because I've tried to get it for weeks and have been unsuccessful.

    I just wanted to confirm whether the website was right or not. Has anyone had the Heartshard waist piece drop after beating the Regal Hotel instance?

  2. KillahBags Level 30

    Did you ever find this and where I am having the same issue
  3. Bast10n Committed Player

    I am also having this same problem. I am missing the hartshard waist (healer) and Mayan hands. I have been running Regal Hotel and University warehouse almost every day for six months... I have them in my bank for tank and controller (drops from T5), but I shouldn't have to buy power respec token just to complete styles...

    I have seen Mayan and hartshard starting to drop in Paradox, but I haven been lucky to get it in my role..
  4. The Doctor Loyal Player

    I got the heartshard waist (healer) from a weekly t3 duo reward box about two months ago. It took me nearly 6 months of running every T3 challenge and duo every week.
    • Like x 1
  5. Eranthis New Player

    Funny i just got this style today on my Villain healer ... from a Reward box ... o_O
  6. xWorldkiller New Player

    Yep, I get this style a lot from T3 reward boxes.
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  7. Psycfyre New Player

  8. DarkSyde79 Loyal Player

    There’s a thread on these forums that I’ve found more dependable.

    That said, the grind will frustrating while you’re chasing these styles.

    Anyways, here’s the link and best of luck!!!