Question for a new all access subscriber

Discussion in 'Game Support' started by Slash3rr, Dec 12, 2017.

  1. Slash3rr New Player


    I'm a new player on this game and ive decided to suscribe an all access content for live an full experience
    of this game.

    When we just suscribe, we have access to all DLC's or just some DLC's. Someone can give me
    some informations off the content we have or not please ?

    Thanks in advance :)
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  2. MrMigraine Devoted Player

    When you subscribe, you have access to all Episodes/DLCs for as long as you stay subscribed. You have access to all powers, the Mainframe, the Utility Belt, a Marketplace discount, a monthly stipend and a lot more.

    If you're playing on PC, All Access also gives you access to other Daybreak Games (or at least it used to. I'm on PS4, so I'm not sure.)

    Hope that helps!
  3. Slash3rr New Player

    That was very helpfull , thanks :) But just one thing, if i create a light power character, and if i suspend my all access , i will have no more access to this character so ?
  4. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    By default the character slot number will be 6 and as long as your don't have more than 6 when you drop the subscription, you get to keep all of them.
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