Question for a Forum Admin...

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Grip, Mar 29, 2024.

  1. Grip Committed Player

    My question feels awkward for a couple reasons, but why tiptoe? The Futuristic Drone accessory avatar got me hyped everytime I saw it on these forums- will it be a selectable by the forums' general population at some point?

    Background: My connection with DCUO didn't come from comics; it started by watching and later playing with family and friends, and the fun and inventiveness of the game, not the IP, gripped my interest. The drone accessory is my #1 go-to in game, and I'd much rather use it (or a nearly as great similar game item image) than a DC iconic avatar. *No disrespect is intended to the past CM or any future one if that avi is considered sacred*

    Also, I had no clue where to drop this post and obviously it's not the biggest concern out there, so thanks for reading!