Question about the T5 content rewards in GU36...

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Giggles, Mar 25, 2014.

  1. Giggles Loyal Player

    I have not been able to test this yet, but will the T5 instances still reward us with Marks of Reality? Or are they being converted to MoT now? I understand we have weekly/monthly reward boxes, but I ask specifically because of the style vendor that only takes Marks of Reality as payment.
  2. Radium Devoted Player

    The instances drop MoR and the boxes drop MoT. I assume the instances will be switched to MoT when T6 drops.
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  3. Crafty_Crafter Developer

    Radium is correct! Currently on PC Test Tier 5 content is dropping Marks of Reality, but in the next couple of PC Test updates you should see everything switch over to Marks of Triumph for Tier 5 content.
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  4. Radium Devoted Player

    Is it safe to assume that the rare style vendors will be switched to Marks of Fury when this goes live?
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  5. Trinidad James Loyal Player

    yeap, well once the new DLC is out. better buy everything you can now :O
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  6. Giggles Loyal Player

    Sweet thanks for the heads up. Looks like I will be farming my last 503 MoR very quickly now. :)
  7. BumblingB I got better.

    Will the cap on MoT be raised, as a single raid would put you in the 20k category?
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  8. Jeazy Baby Dedicated Player

    what is the current cap? the most I've had at once was 36k
  9. BumblingB I got better.

    50k Same price as a T4 set.
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  10. Crafty_Crafter Developer

    Yes, this is correct.

    The cap for Marks of Triumph will be raised significantly.
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  11. Giggles Loyal Player

    That is great news Crafty! Thank you guys very much.

    I am hoping the raise for the cap is because you guys are adding more options to that style vendor soon. Is this a safe assumption? :)
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  12. BumblingB I got better.

    Doubt that, it's due to the reward conversion of T6 and the fact T5 will be unified to MoT as the new Tier comes out.
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  13. Giggles Loyal Player

    Possibly, but Crafty said a while ago that they would be adding more styles to that style vendor. So I'm sure the next batch will cost loads of MoT. I agree with you as well though, I am not disagreeing with you. :)


    Yes, the styles on there now will always cost the top mark, however, when newer more common styles are added, they will more than likely cost MoT. :)
  14. Harlequin Devoted Player

    I both risked another false ban by logging in on my phone and unignored you to address this post.

    The style vendor will always cost the top tier mark. Currently the styles cost MoR but when T6 drops, they will cost Marks of Fury. So, go ahead and stockpile those MoTs.
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  15. AgentX44 Committed Player

    Nope. They said already that the rare style vendors will not be switched to MoT, but will always be the highest tier Mark. Not sure about the monetary aspect though. But if they will convert the rare style vendor to MoF, I think it will be 70 MoF (to make it really still rare).

    That was my understanding of how the rare style vendor will work.