Question about tanks

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Coconuts, Feb 13, 2015.

  1. Coconuts Well-Known Player

    Hello everyone. I've been away from this game for a little over a year now and I haven't kept up. Recently, me and some friends decided we're going to get back into it, and we're bringing along a friend who is going to play for the first time. The question is, is there any content out right now that requires 2 tanks? Our friend wants to roll a tank but we aren't sure how practical that is ATM. Thanks in advance
  2. drkhrt1 Well-Known Player

    The latest raid does require 2 tanks: Throne, but right now that is the only content. Hopefully going forward the devs maintain this type of mechanic with all new DLCs.
  3. Furling Well-Known Player

    I've got 3 tank alts now, and always find uses for them. All 3 of the new raids have places where 2 tanks are very helpful and/or required. Thrones has a fight where w tanks are required, but 3 is even better... makes the fight faster/easier. All the other content though... it can be run with 1 tank or none, depending on how overgeared the group is. Just make sure he has a DPS armory and he'll be good!
  4. ChuckLess New Player

    Honestly, having a Tank in ANY instance is just wonderful. People don't generally want them because they think the instance is faster with an additional DPS.

    It is a VERY common misconception.
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  5. Wanning Comet Committed Player

    For certain feats in some of the AF2 raids, two tanks makes it easier. There's a boss that's designed for two tanks in Halls but you can make do with one tank if you know what you're doing and then Throne will require at least 2 tanks for two of the fights.
  6. chipzes Committed Player

    With Throne of the Dead we seem to finally have gotten a piece of content that requires two tanks, it remains to see if the devs can hold this standard through T7.
  7. Coconuts Well-Known Player

    Thank you everyone for your help. I appreciate it.
  8. FaLeX Dedicated Player

