Question about DC Properties

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by bull425, Feb 16, 2013.

  1. bull425 Well-Known Player

    Do people feel as though they are maximizing or getting the most out of the intellectual property? Are they using the lore and characters and feel of DC Comics to it's fullest or do they only use a portion because they don't want to have all of that in the game?
  2. Boscohark Well-Known Player

    I think there is alot tthe Devs would like to use but they ahve to negotiate with WB and DC for it so it takes time. At SOE Live teh Team talked about the process a little bit. While they have a really good relationship with DC it still is a pretty complex process getting things OK'd for the game. I think they do the best job they can considering they do not own the IP.