Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by KDICHU, Apr 18, 2015.

  1. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    An idea on how to balance Quantum.

    Timebomb hit does not get the prior ability modifier. This change would not make Quantum horrible but make it more in line with other powersets.

    Currently with my 114 I'm seeing hits in the 110+K range when TB goes off. If TB did not get the 60% increase in damage my TB hits would drop to about 70K. This would be more inline with the damage increase I would expect from Quantum when compared to other powersets. This would balance Quantum out as each prior ability is already getting the damage modifier, TB final hit should not get it.

    Maybe that is a bug and we do not know it.
  2. ACW37162 Loyal Player

    Well, you don't need anything extravagant to test your rotation a single targets and get 5 60 second parses then replace max damage with any other hand mod and get 5 or 6 to see something currently broken
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  3. TITAN ephemeral Loyal Player

    Sore..I know you've been around...remember when Red Lantern DPS was OP...or when you could use PvP gear in PvE...good times!!!
  4. Sore Steadfast Player

    I cringe when I see that post you quoted because I meant to start it with "X isn't OP..." but instead wrote "X isn't weak". I remember when Fire DPS were OP.
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  5. Stamen Dedicated Player

    I started believing at first that Quantum wasn't that much out of line with other powers, just easier to play. But as the weeks have continued to unfold, it is clear to me that the gap becomes larger and larger as stats increase. Quantum was stronger at the revamp release, but it has scaled in a way that has made it twice the power in the right hands. As people have perfected rotations, shared loadouts, and obtained more and more Might, Quantum has just gone so far over the top as to not even compare to the edges other powersets had during their 15 minutes of fame.

    Ironically, the 15 minutes of fame that fire, or HL, or Rage received - while not nearly as powerful - lasted no where nearly as long as this lack of adjustment to Quantum. This isn't just the biggest outlier we have ever had, it is the longest lasting too...

    What that means for the development team is that when they do finally make the adjustment, the backlash will be 10-fold what we saw when other powers were brought back into line.
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  6. ChicagoGuy33 Active Player

    Hahaha man soooooooo many threads on quantum. Guys you starting to make yourself look bad. Look the power is strong but you still got to know what you are doing to get the most out of it. Not saying noob can't hit hard. But a cr119 quantum couldn't beat my Cr116 quantum. It's was close. I just know how to max out powers that I play with. mental is very strong now, earth is very strong now Celestial is very strong just slow. I'm sure if I go back to sorcery I will still be one or two on the dps charts. Enjoy guys and stop the crying
  7. HazelWarriorPrincess New Player

  8. ChicagoGuy33 Active Player

    premature post. Edit
  9. damagedealr New Player

    More burn= the less you have to deal with raid mechanics which = higher chance of success. People just want every power to be capable of this instead of just stacking quantum dps.
  10. WizardlyWayz New Player

    Always has been, always will be... this is nothing new lol.

    People need to realize DCUO will never be balanced, i'm not being negative. I'm being truthful. Ask yourself if you remember thinking that every power was in line at one specific point in time. They could have achieved it a long time ago and based new powers off the existing but instead we have powers that are years old not as strong & some that are alot stronger. Pick a power you enjoy and have fun with it, some day it maybe top dog and another day maybe in the dirt. Not because of player ability but a numbers game.

    If they woke up and decided one day to have a person with the longest time on each individual power or someone on here who is knowledgeable test every power on 5 different damage modifiers and put all the closest end results to say Quantum's output (for the sake of the thread) into the game, it would bring everything alot closer in line, but at the end of the day there are 2 types of people: people who will keep a power for any reason (looks,flow,range or fitting with their chacter they've created, fun) & people who care about nothing more than numbers (fotm is what most call em', like the guys needing to claim first to a cr or beating a raid) << they make me chuckle to myself :p. As long as the people who want nothing more than their name at the top of the list will spend money, there will not be balance. Best thing to do is find a power and enjoy it, you can hope to have powers brought in line but according to the devs track record after 4 years, don't hope too high. Something will pop up and sidetrack it :/
  11. lanternknight Committed Player

    Or just leave quantum alone because it is fine. Quantum only hits for 110k on rare occasions. Requiring the need of a supply drop and trinket to do so.
    So, that is boosted damage. Not base damage. Max Damage mod. That is all I have to say about damage modifier. Currently with the cr change to nlcs is another factor contributing to high crits.

    Besides my mental toon has hit for 96k and my munitions toon has hit for more than that.

    These nerf so called balance threads are old. Leave quantum alone and keep buffing the powers. All of the current powers that aren't strong now are due to them already falling victim to previous nerf threads. Including electricity. It was great when it first came. Two weeks later it was nerfed because all the nerf threads on the forum.
  12. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    What other power can hit for 100-300k in the game? Quantum not find, the number guys on the forums have said the max dmg hand mod is over buffing quantum. Quantum is the only power that hit almost the same from any distance, I guess you think that's fine too? Even tho they balanced earth and sorcery with range just before releasing the am update? Quantum broke, and imo it's a power for lower skilled players
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  13. Amazon Princess Active Player

    u compare quantum with quantum but u don't compare quantum with other powers, none other power can do what quantum do, same with mental, idk what devs and anyone of u but powers set ups generally is unbalanced, they forcing us to quit the power we like and change to OP powers if we want to not be laughing dummies from OP powers like i have experienced from some players, right now i have stop pay/play DC after all these ridiculous situations that devs and "daybroke (game)" have done and i call "daybroke" because this company management this have done
  14. darkscarletx Loyal Player

    I know what you mean. I'm fire dps and fire tank and met a ice player telling me fire sucks, switch to ice. um I don't care. I love fire and do decent damage with wm fire and fire tank is the best tank for me, I really enjoy it. I'm loyal to fire whatever people tell me.
  15. Amazon Princess Active Player

    i have start love FFxiv with no scoreboard and many many more like party founder that help to need to keep shout to join/create group, no scoreboard for comparison and bad comments at end from some or even many players at end of raids, why we need to know who did most or less damage when all went in raid ?
  16. Amazon Princess Active Player

    "help to NO need"
  17. Streven Dedicated Player

    For anyone who has a few alts and play multiple powersets, you can do objective comparisons between powers by using sparring targets and taking off all your gear. Then use the same IL weapon for each power.

    The only variables left in play would be base generator mods and league buffs. This gives as objective a comparison as I can find right now and anyone can do this regardless of level as long as as you have all the powers unlocked that you need in your rotation.

    It doesn't matter if your Max level is 30 or 117. When we take our gear off we're all the same. Except of course for our skill levels.
  18. Drathmor Unwavering Player

    not really understandable just cheating if you ask me for bad players that cant beat things legit
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  19. Mousebreaker85 New Player

    It has always been a "look at me!" "Look what i can do!"
    Diva fest not just becoming now it should be taken out to be honest some dps powers are there to buff other powers
    And you feel bad for them because they may be playing well and the board makes them seem lacking
  20. DEMONIZER1 Loyal Player

    This right here...

    Only Easymode DPS in game, stand back and spam, low risk high reward!

    You couldn't pay me too play this broken mess, plus whoever has to use FoTM powers are the weakest in game, in all aspects!

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