Quality of Life request if possible.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by BabyBoyzim, Dec 14, 2023.

  1. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Should be an easy one.

    'Hide all completed feats' - so we can search for feats we are hunting easier without scrolling past all the ones we beat already.

    and 'Purchase all completed feats" for alts. Or even a marketplace item that would boost an alt to your max characters sp level. For a set price, and not the astronomical cost of using replays to catch up an alt.
    • Like x 8
  2. Special Guest Level 30

  3. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Hide all completed feats....yes.

    Buy all completed feats...why not...though personally I'd never use such a button.
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  4. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I mean, it's an option for styles. Why not feats?
  5. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Have you ever looked at the cost for doing the styles? Honestly I can't believe that button exists. I think my total, and this was looking at an alt that has almost as many styles as my main, was something like 190K+ replays. I don't believe any person has ever used that button. I'd guess the unlock all feats would be the same...cost prohibitive.

    But, I appreciate the option if there is someone who'd want it. Not me, but I'd guess it wouldn't take a lot of work.
  6. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    I have, the costs are insane. The developers really need to come up with a better way here. Maybe take a page out of Eso's book and make feats account bound. Unlock on one, unlock on all.

    That'd never happen though. But man, it's be nice.
  7. Korlick Loyal Player

    It would be a lot...but not as much as unlocking styles. Feats cost 5rb at most. Styles, on the other hand, can go up to 700rb.

    Would be nice to have the option. Id never use it tho
  8. Entrust Committed Player

    7 replay is the max cost for 4 star (1 sp) fests. There are only a few, but there's more than 0.

    Just saying.
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  9. sebfm Well-Known Player

    I basically support those ideas. They are real cool.
  10. Korlick Loyal Player

    Youre right, i totally forgot about those.
  11. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Feel like I'm getting hung up on the "scroll past the ones we beat already" part here. Aren't uncompleted feats at the top of the list in the different categories now?
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  12. BabyBoyzim Dedicated Player

    Ha, good catch.

    I was pretty stoned when I wrote the original post. Let me explain it better haha.

    I meant like, when you're using replays to purchase the feats, having a better way to sort them so you can purchase them faster and easier would be better. As is now, you have to scroll to buy the feats and it slows it down a bit. And once purchased or unlocked, a way to 'hide completed feats' would be great so you can search through the feat list easier and reduce clutter.
  13. willflynne 10000 Post Club

    Well, I was working from a slightly sleep-deprived state, so I was just tired enough that I couldn't remember for sure if feats that we hadn't accomplished were at the top of lists, and I didn't have time to log in and check before work. So that's most of the reason why I posed the question. LOL
  14. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    before they revamped the whole feats section, feats that could be unlocked used to be right at the top of the list, then feats you hadn't done, then all completed feats. it was a much much better way of doing things.
    • Like x 1
  15. Grip Committed Player

    Agreed. I miss that since now if you're storing RBs for future needs and only want to copy the most obnoxious feats, you may be left with the random 1 or 2 not unlockable ones mixed in with the eligible ones. Intentional to nudge a few more RBs free? Maybe...
  16. JeanGrey Active Player

    Also there should be an option to Pin feats that we want to work on so we can easily see the progress of them. It could show up right under the map or something.
    • Like x 2
  17. Cypharr Committed Player

    Glad to see someone giving my idea a fresh unbiased view. I mentioned these a while back but it was met with hostility. This is a great idea it'll definitely improve QoL by 1%. For people with at least 700 SP it takes more than an hour to purchase all feats on a new alt which is daunting. An unlock all feats option will be great for those that would like it, let me add it should be an option not everyone has to use it since some people complained about the feats that you get by completing other feats saying for that specific reason it'll be a waste of replay badges. Personally the pros of unlock all feats button outweighs the cons. I'm willing to sacrifice a few replay badges if it allows me to unlock all feats at once.