QOL change for inventory cluster

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by OnlyNomad, Oct 12, 2021.

  1. OnlyNomad The One Above All

  2. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    You know, most of these trinkets were either hard to get, a huge grind, very expensive....or a combination of those. The devs know what they're doing, they also know the problem exists because they've acknowledged it. Now what they can do instead of making allies that are broken upon release after 3 weeks on test and taking another month or 2 to fix them....they can work on this. I hate it when your type blames this on the player instead of the devs. This is a dev issue, not a player issue. Whats your solution to Nth metal? Because I have a character who's entire bank and 80% of the inventory is filled with Nth metal and I have every artifact on all the toons I play @ 200. And they haven't created anymore artifacts that I want to level...is that a me problem too? Or is that the devs not creating artifacts that people actually want to use. EP 42 won't have any artifacts and I'm currently sitting @ over 11M in Nth metal by the end of E42 I'll be @ close to 15M probably. This is a problem the devs have created I'd be more then willing to buy more inventory/bank if they would sell more on the MP but they aren't doing that right now.
  3. Jal Hordan New Player

    Stuff like that should be like collecting styles. You collect the style and can change it in the style menu. Orbitals, Henchmen, and side kicks. Prolly not pets due to them having tier groups. Likely wont happen.
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  4. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    If someone called me after one of the most renowned physicists in history, I'd take that as a compliment....even though I suck at math more complicated than basic algebra. But lets assume it was snarky, so what? Why did he get all offended because I made a light not even mild, milk toast, slightly snarky comment. I mean I'm not even going full snark.
  5. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Like he said, delete your hard-earned items because they're obsolete. As for the rare items (Auras, materials, etc.) you own, delete them too! By keeping them, you're probably only feeding into the unhealthy Broker system and further empowering the rich in DCUO while shunning the poor.

    Delete your items, remove the broker, take away the players wealth and distribute it amongst the poor!


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  6. OnlyNomad The One Above All



    Seriously though, I know. He got offended because you're right.
  7. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Right, so repeating things I said and repeating someone you even admit yourself was being snarky, and yet you didn't actually answer the question I asked. Did it ever occur to you that this reply, the one above here that pretty much destroys any credibility you had in its absolute infant-like approach, is now here for the devs to see? The people you want thinking this is a good idea? The ones you hope would believe you could have a good idea. No. I don't imagine it did cross your mind. Pity.
  8. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    First off, "your type" lol? What's my type? Explain it, in detail. Cheers.

    Secondly, are you seriously complaining because "they didn't make an artifact"??? That cannot be an honest complaint, it just can't. I don't think i've seen a greater example of "privilaged problems" than this all year lol. Jesus....
    What would have been the plan if they made an Artifact you couldn't use? Or an Artifact that you would never have an interest in using? Do you get to switch from "Waaaah theres no Artifact" to "Waaaah Wheres the Artifact I want"? Clarify this nonsensical first-world problem for me.
  9. Kimone Luthor Genetech Clone

    Destiny 2 does something like this with a Collections system - you collect the item, it's in your passive storage and can essentially be repurchased for a pittance; in our system it would probably be best to operate on Source Marks, but essentially it allows potential access to the item without having to have an assigned inventory spot for it to sit in all the time. You do still have to have the space for it to land once you re-create it though.
  10. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    You're the one creating arguments because someone said your "solution" was far from ideal and it stung your feelings. I initially defended you because I felt the verbiage used by the other guy was unnecessary but the stuff you came up with afterwards was just too idiotic and ignorant to ignore.

    This isn't the first thread about this issue, Mepps like this thread and Charon has commented on one of the other threads about this issue, they are aware that this is a problem and I'm sure they are cooking up something.

    Your "Your bank" comment was idiotic, snarky, ignorant and sarcastic. You, I and everyone else here know how poor of a solution that is. The fact that you tried to reinforce your point by suggesting that we delete our rare/unique items to save room is more proof of your lack of seriousness.
  11. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    I believe Aduzar Light made a similar suggestion in another thread and it's a fantastic idea. Basically something along the lines of what WoW or ESO does, a tab where your items are stored and can be pulled out from without taking inventory space.
  12. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player


    I came in and made 1 suggestion. I don't think ignorance means what you think it does pal cause giving an answer to something that is correct isn't ignorance, ignorance is to ignore, to ignore would be to give no answer or deflection. Have you been using the word ignorance incorrectly this whole time? At least we got your word of the day sorted.

    But i digress, i gave you your answer. Your pal decided to be a child so i put him in his place. And then you decided to get involved in that for no real reason at all. It was over, but you wanted it to continue, so who really wanted an argument i wonder?

    But lets get to the real idiocy here shall we? "they are aware that this is a problem and i'm sure they are cooking something up".................. What? Just...........I mean ........I just............. What? You want to talk about idiocy? You just explained that this entire thread is redundant. That they know. That you're sure they're working on something. So what was the point of this thread at all lol??? This is amazing, its actually genuinely incredible. I've never met anyone who, every time they decide to throw a new needless insult my way, then immediately shows the insult actually applies to themselves. Hypocrisy be thy name.
  13. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    OK, first the Nth metal was used as an example of something I've accumulated a ton of and someone like you (what I meant by "your kind") accuses someone of being a hoarder. Second, the devs have absolutely created this problem by releasing a the amount of orbital/backup/supply skins that they do. They release a new orbital/supply/backup with every seasonal, DLC, and SM. They do the same thing with pets and turrets. Hell with Flashpoint they gave us 4 different orbital variants. Legion has one of each (supply, orbital, pet/turret, and backup). And what doesn't seem to penetrate your noggin is that this is a style game and people specifically stay playing this game because of the styles and people love the cool styles they release in the game and people use orbitals/backups to accent those styles (personally most of the time I just use the most recent orbital/backup/supply that I collected). So stop accusing others of being a hoarder because they like to collect things that they like to use on occasion. All they have to do is implement a dispenser in our base to house these variants. Something that they supposedly are working on. But if its anything like them fixing the allies, I better not hold my breath because it took them over a month to fix 3 allies that were reported broken on test within the first few days of going on test.
  14. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Gonna be completely honest here, i had to stop reading at "Legion has one of each". This entire point of view just seems preposterous. Its verging on insanity at this point. And i need you to understand something, im not saying those last 2 sentences as any kind of attempt at an insult. Im deadly serious. Its crazy. Its just plain crazy.

    So lets sum it up in one sentence. You want to blame the devs, for your unnatural need to own every single variation of the exact same thing.

    This doesn't even fit into competitiveness. Which is normally healthy if measured. But what you're describing is not only worrying, by means of the compulsion to own it all for LITERALLY no reason, but is now compounded and made worse by the fact that you immediately shift the blame for it as far from yourself as you can. This is you. Maybe nobody has said it to you before and i'm sorry they haven't but this is absolutely you. Its like you want to blame IKEA for your money problems because you chose to buy the same table in variations 10x. The transformation trinkets i collected because i use them? Thats on me. Devs had zilch to do with it. I can blame the devs for not fixing certain cape animations, or how almost a year has gone by and Celestial is still not interacting with Page of destiny properly, or for how many Speed Hackers that have 1000% been reported are still walking around the game. My trinkets? Your unhealthy compulsion? Nope. That has zero to do with them, and if you feel its all their fault then i'm afraid you're going to wake up one day and realize you've been deflecting.
  15. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    The guy is just here to pick fights, let him die out.
  16. Hunted2468 Well-Known Player

    Still haven't thought of a way to explain why the thread isn't redundant. Cool. And we already know who decided to keep the "fight" going. I'll wait though.
  17. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Then here is an idea. How about we get rid of all base helper skins, while we're at it lets remove all the auras, becuase they're all just variations of stuff we already got and lets extend your asinine reasoning out further and lets remove all the gear styles too and just but everyone in the basic b**** briefs/briefs and bra look because after all the styles are just variations of stuff that already exists.
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  18. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Everyone bald with briefs and bras? That would be hilarious.
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  19. BaelinFishman Well-Known Player

    Maybe for a little bit, but it would effectively kill this game for those that stay with style customization being one of the primary reasons they continue to play. Because as it stands I stay playing for 3 reasons and 3 reasons only 1) I've invested almost 11 years of time and money into this game 2) the combat system (That they change up every couple of years) and 3) Style customization. If they want to knock out of a leg of that 3 legged stool...thats fine, they'd make it unstable and useless though. And if you use the reasoning of that buffoon then.....lets just say its a good thing he doesn't run the game.
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  20. OnlyNomad The One Above All

    Yeah I gave up arguing with him, it's all non sense coming from him anyway.