Client: Information about server status. ---- Login screen: Don't change the position of characters when switching between them. ---- Generators: Affinity C and D mods don't support might users. Affinity mods don't support dual specs. ---- Sockets: Weapon sockets don't support might users, lots of specs don't have proper socket choice for legs. ---- Mail: Priority lines: First own characters, then friends, then leauge. ---- Bank: Mutual money pool, because there is no info about the money mailing. ---- Que tab: Smart que system, stop this madness to re-que every single duo, alert or raid, when I finished one. Information about how many ppl que for the on the proper choice. Write the Operation number to the info of the raid/alert to know better which one is searched in the lfg. Ability to que for older bounties. ---- LPVE Write the info about every Legendary character at the lpve tab that which character is for example, arcane, villian, wonder woman connected, and so on. Make Legendary characters acount bound. ---- Character tab: Smart sort of currencies, with categories. Ability to put ignore stuffs at fortify and augument tabs to not show ever again. System to get the benefit of older augument without equiping it. Normalize the requirments for leveling auguments. Erase the percentage of breakouts. Support dual spec. Make armories acount bound and available for every character once purchased. ---- Artifacts: Normalize the leveling system, erase the percentage of breakouts. Catch up mechanic for alts. Support dual spec. ---- Feat menu: A search field. For F... Sake, make Feats trackable!!!!! ---- Brief, Investigation, Collection: Make the reward viewable. So does with materials. Fix the duplicate status of Glimpse of the Fourth World Investigations or merge it into one. ---- Broker: Ability to search for entire collections. Preview for materials and chromas. ---- Loot: Please make the loot show us which style containing it (who the F... implemented this?). Including the loot from capsules. Increase the stack quantity of nth metal and the exobites to 999. If I unlcocked an omnipotence gear and get the feat for it (for example Wise Helm of Omnipotence) make me buy a full one for my other specs aswell, or make it dual socket, or something. Ability to switch off the dual loot choice option, if my character doesn't have and won't have another spec. Victory Token. You said that you have plans for the merit again, no words from it. So now, its just another trash item, if you max out the feat. ---- Combat: For F... Sake, if you make fights where you have to move out fast from bad things, make the goddam skills cancelable with rolls. -.- Its just a fast list of my toughts. If you will be able to make these things happen, then the game finaly reach the level of a game from 2017.
Idk if this could solve the money mail system, but how about your cash be account bound? Meaning the total accumulated cash you have on your toons is tied to your account instead of your toons.
Are you PC or Console? PC already has a server status section in the launcher. I'm not sure how likely it would be to get server status on consoles. A game can only check status of the server when you launch it, so there isn't anywhere else the devs could add something. It would take each console creating a new option in their UI to show status of different games' servers, which I don't think is likely to happen. The character sorting is fine as is. Your most recently used character is on top, next most recent is second and so on. Some people have many alts but don't play them all often or may change which character is their "main". I wouldn't be opposed to adding sorting options to the character select, so an option for most recently played (our current setting), alphabetical, CR, etc. Agreed Agreed Agreed Agreed I agree with the first two. "Operation number" is something that was invented by players and isn't specific or even accurate. Operations are a specific type of content where you go to different maps, and at this point we have solo, duo, alert, and raid operations. Originally, only actual operations were referred to like "need tank for OP1", but as the game grew that distinction was lost and everything is referred to by a number that is assigned by players. It's especially confusing because OP12 might be an alert while OP13 might be a raid (I've never dealt with the system, but I've heard almost all content was referred to by an OP# at one point). I thought it was US villains that used that system, but looking at chat right now, they are referring to the the latest raids by their actual names. What do you mean "que for older bounties"? Do you want an instance created that has all the older bounties? Old enough bounties can be soloed, and any bounty that has a counter feat has people shouting somewhat frequently. I agree with adding clarity on the character select screen, if that's what you mean by the first part. Also, depending on how you purchase the legendary characters' exobyte data, it is either specific to one character or available to all of your characters. If you bought it from the loyalty vendor or marketplace, it can be redeemed on all of your characters. If you bought it with marks of legend, it will be specific to the character that bought it. Also, there isn't any benefit to running anything legends (especially LPVE) on multiple characters, it actually splits your progress on the long grind feats. The currency tab does need an update. What to you mean by "ignore stuffs"? If you are talking about older episode augments, several older ones don't have a use when you are far enough past the episode. There are some that are either extremely helpful, or even required for some feats in episodes. If I remember correctly, the most beneficial ones to keep are JLD, BOP, and newer. I wouldn't be opposed to at least some of the benefits becoming permanent. What do you mean by "normalize" here? The experience curve is fine as is. You can already finish augments fairly quickly, and they are meant to take time to level. Breakthorugh chances won't likely go away, but you could possibly make an argument that the success rates are too low. What do you mean by "support dual spec"? Are you wanting something like a might & precision augment? If you had two of those equipped, it likely wouldn't be any different than having one might and one precision augment equipped. Or are you just saying that you want to only level 2 augments and get the benefits of 4 being leveled (2 for dps and 2 for support)? That isn't likely to ever happen. An unconsumed armory is account bound. Or are you asking to only buy 3 armories, consume them on your main, then all of your characters have 4 (because of the free one)? I can assure you that is not likely to ever happen. By "normalize" do you mean make the XP requirements linear? I highly doubt that would ever happen. Artifacts are supposed to be worked on over time, not all at once. You also don't need to change artifacts frequently. So just pick some artifacts that fit your play style and work on them over time. I also don't think the breakthrough chance will ever go away, but you could ask for the chances to be adjusted. Needing on average 23 attempts at rank 200 (up to a 152 attempts for a near guarantee) is a little ridiculous. I'll agree it would be nice if building up artifacts was easier for alts, but most suggestions either over trivialize the artifact system or add excessive complexity elsewhere. What do you mean by "support dual spec"? Do you want every artifact like Eye of Gemini where the effects depend on your role? Artifacts like that wouldn't necessarily be the best for both roles and you would still end up needing a set for dps and a set for your support role just like you do now. If you are just asking for additional artifacts to be easier to level, that's basically the exact same request as making artifacts easier for alts. I'll agree an update needs to happen to the feat menu, but a search field would have limited usefulness. It would be better if part of the feat menu would automatically pull up all feats associated with the specific content you are in, and if the On Duty menu descriptions for instances could either list all feats in the instance or have a link to show you all feats in the instance. Many feats don't have anything to track for their progress, or do you mean you just want the full text of the feat to remain on the right side of the screen until you complete it. Though feats like killing 500 Amazons/Atlanteans in the new open world should show progress in the lower right side, just like mission objectives. I'll lump these together because you make a similar comment in both. The icon in the briefing/investigation/collection menu give an idea of what the reward is, but even just letting you know the name would help by letting you search the broker or even online. When they added the material icons (currently used only in the menu where you select which material to equip), I'd though you would be able to see that in the preview on the broker. Maybe that can get added. I'm assuming you have a bug with "Glimpse of the Fourth World", because I don't have two copies of it. Has that been reported in the Bug section of the forums? I agree that you should be able to search by the collection set name as well. This is especially important for console players as we can't see the name of a collection piece until we collect it, unlike PC players who can mouse over an uncollected space and see the name. Unattuned item boxes do not have a style associated with them, so they can't show the style name/collected status in the item description. However, they could at least use the style name as the name of the unattuned box (instead of the Laughing Knight gear being in Forbidden unattuned boxes for example). I don't see any issue with nth metal or exobytes stacking to 999. Exobytes were just updated to have a max stack size of 99 (up from 4) at the launch of the episode, so maybe give it more than a week to decide if that really is still too low. I think the biggest problem there is the number of different types of exobytes. Since the OP items feat could be bought on alts a well, I'd be fine with reduced xp requirements in addition to the discount on buying catalysts that currently exists. Though the xp in Flashpoint does seem to drop very frequently, so lack of xp might not be an issue in this episode. I'd settle for DPS gear always being the first choice. For troll powersets, sometimes the "controller" option is listed first, sometimes it's second, so it's easy to pick the wrong one if you are in a hurry. If there was a setting, you'd have to go change it everytime you switched to a different character, if you have some that are only one role and some that use both. At one point, I think the victory tokens could be donated for prestige. Even a small amount would make them better than the trash they currently are. You can jump cancel, and roll from the peak of the jump (I think it gets you a little more distance too). Of course there are some moves you can't jump cancel, mostly from the power sets classified as "mobile" during the AM days. You are supposed to be able to block cancel those, but I've never found that to work well. If block cancelling those worked, you'd be able to roll from the cancel just like with any other move.
This has been suggested before as an option, but the biggest issue there is the cap on free and premium players. Would you increase their available cash based on the number of characters they have? Or leave the caps where they are, meaning a premium could spend $3000 on one character, then switch and not have any money available on the other character. It's possible that with the upcoming membership benefit changes, that the cash cap for free and premium goes away and this gets implemented.
So much stuff in this game should be account bound instead of character bound. Would solve quite a few issues.
Both of these could be resolved by binding the generator mods and tactical mods to the armory rather than the generator. For this there are several improvements. One is to create sub menus under “Compose”... “Account,” “Friends,” and “League.” It would also help if you could send account bound items via mail if the receiver is on the same account.