Q For Trollers: What Powers Use Most Power?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by indigo Star, Apr 8, 2015.

  1. indigo Star New Player

    I ran an alert last nite, with a Celestial Healer, and EVERY time I looked @ his power bar, it was EMPTY. he just leaves before the last boss room and is replaced by a nature healer, and his bar never went close to half empty. we didn't wipe w/either healer, but OMG I had to dump my bar repeatedly to give the Celestial a sliver of a bar,.... I always said Fire Tanks would be the death of me lol. What powers give my fellow Trollers the most problem? btw, my tick is 396, approx. 4464 Vit.
  2. BumblingB I got better.

    Over healing, probably.
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  3. Delta795 New Player

    Sorcery & Electric DPS
  4. indigo Star New Player

    Ya, the Electrics can drain a power bar pretty good, too. lol Not really had any ishes w/Sorcery, tho.
  5. Falco Committed Player

    This. It wasn't celestial giving you problems, it was a power spamming healer.
  6. DustyAnkh Loyal Player

    It depends on the player, really.

    I have 2 Electric healers specifically in my mind. One who is no longer in the league always had his bar near empty. I hated running with him. The other is very easy to manage, I never have a problem with him and love running with him.

    Same with Nature. There is one Nature Healer I know that always has an empty bar. I never see her building power with weapons, she doesn't use bug form, and she is constantly spamming Bloom(?). When I Nature heal, I'm never a power hog, whether I'm using Bug or not.

    But if you are asking for just generalizations, I'd say Sorcery DPS and Fire DPS are the hardest to keep powered.
  7. MEBegnalsFan Devoted Player

    Powersets by Role
    Healer: Any of the powerset other than a Nature toon in bug form using the powerback mechanic
    Tank: Rage and Fire tend to use more power than other powersets but I have seen some bad Ice and Earth Tanks
    DPS: Sorcery, Electric, Fire, and Earth
  8. Dom-Eon Dedicated Player

    For me it's always a fire DPS. No matter how high my vit is there's always that one fire DPS who makes me feel like a noob while trying to keep them powered...:oops:
  9. ezluckyfree Active Player

    Electric DPS / healing, Celestial healing, Fire burst DPS <----------, Sorcery burst DPS, Rage tanks (depending on the player)
  10. Morcra Committed Player

    actually sorcery is pretty steady if u manage ur healing rit.

    Like dont place ur circle randomly and watch for damage or future damage

    bnow sorcery dps... that **** needs serious mofoing help
  11. Delta795 New Player

    Notice I said DPS.
    Sorcery healing is very power efficient
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  12. TheDark Devoted Player

    Omg Celestial.
    Electric can too if the person just spams Galvanize or whatever but I've ran with some electric people that are power efficient.
    Sorcery too if all the person does is spam Rejuv.
  13. MentosTroll Loyal Player

    Celestial healers can drain the power bar too. Especially a 5 chain loadout
  14. Morcra Committed Player

    yeah i edited my mistake ^^

    and electricity is... at least a tiny bit more sustaining due to some power back capabilities.

    but unfortunately not enough
  15. spack2k Steadfast Player

    bad healers tend to use most power ... tanks somehow need to block from time to time giving troll some space and bad dps use nowadays AM :p
  16. Opamp Committed Player

    Fire DPS (my main) uses more power than anything I've ever seen. One rotation leaves him completely empty.

    I have an electric healer - and I find that they are some of the least power intensive. Maybe it's a loadout issue? But I'm usually fine with just a PoT.

    Note - I use WM on my electric healer which reduces power costs.
  17. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Sorcery is pretty comparable to Nature's bug form in power use (assuming the Sorcery player has some idea of how the power works). I've heard Celestial is pretty power conservative, too. Electricity takes a bit more power, but with a knowledgeable player, it also doesn't use that much power.

    DPS are pretty much the only ones who should be using a lot of power depending on power sets. The AMs that provide full/most power back should not use much power if they also provide good damage. RIght now, that only includes probably half the powers, but you won't run into players playing those powers too often since many bought respecs for Quantum/HL/Munitions/Ice/etc.

    I can't speak for all powers, but I use a lot of power on my Mental and my Earth characters to maximize my damage. I do have rotations that use less powers if I see the controller struggling, though. A good player adapts to what is available.
  18. xoHLxDPSox Steadfast Player

    every power if their over doing the spams ;)
  19. Derio 15000 Post Club

    I they are celestial and their power bar stays empty in an alert, add them to your ignore list because they dont know what they are doing.

    You probably sit there wondering, are they battle healing, wtf are they doing everyone has a full health bar and arent even taking damage, did they give the controller to their little cousin who thinks pressing any power will be cool.

    You know what you do, LET THEM STARVE
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