PvP Update

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Eshmaki, Apr 3, 2024.

  1. Eshmaki Level 30


    There are a ton of balance issues and bugs that need to be fixed. Is there a way we can get these fixes and balance updates? Please????
  2. BƖack Dedicated Player

  3. Raven Nocturnal Loyal Player

    I've never really had an issue in PvP, other than the queues being bugged (if there are 2 groups queued, the queue gets locked by a group of other sizes that don't fit).

    Oh, and maybe that cheesy fang/Clarion exploit.

    Mental reflect can be nerfed too heh.
  4. Eshmaki Level 30

    There are a lot of exploits and bugs.
  5. Proxystar #Perception

    Despite many of us continuing to make recommendations to fix PVP, even minor ones, and the benefits that would be received from doing so, our suggestions and pleas to have it fixed continue to fall on deaf ears in favor of PVE.
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  6. ItsMeAgain Well-Known Player

    Mental needs a huge overhaul. Its broken and op as hell in pvp! The stealth aspect alone needs a super nerf while using it in pvp. Also the que times are horrible and need to be addressed!
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  7. Merk4days New Player

  8. Heiri New Player

    I really don't understand why they focus all of their efforts into endgame PvE when it dies out after people get their max renown and feats for the DLC. MMORPGs that thrive have their end game focus on PvP and update it occasionally so that the meta isn't always the same. The biggest issue currently is that artifacts that 1 shot through Toughness. Simple issues they can fix but completely ignore.
  9. Eshmaki Level 30

    It just doesn't make sense. Ya'll won't address pvp after 6 years? This is crazy.