PvP Map Rotation

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Mar 12, 2013.

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  1. LadyLightning Issue Tracker Volunteer

    Adding aditional enviroments to the existing maps would freshen up PvP.

    And in that room in Themiscira we could fight for the control of the statues alongside Circe/Wonderwoman or help them to summon collosi to fight each other.
    In a FOS 2 Meta-Boss-map we could fight for the control of the power core. Lex and superman weren't that friendly to each other after the fight ended...
    Strykers could be turned into somthing similar to lair battles with progression through different rooms. Prison break is the No.1 scenario of heroes vs villains, right? It would be a deathmatch in rounds.

    I think most boss-fighting rooms are suited as PvP-maps. Combined with map rotation we would have very different maps and playmodes and it would vary a lot. But thats for the future.
    I like the map rotation you have in mind now and it has a lot of potential for expansion.
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  2. MARK2099 New Player

    Devs with all respect, not all players log every day, not all players play just 1 toon, there are a lot of players who decide run every map to get their weekly bonus in the same day to not have to log any other day for whatever reason they have, this gonna hurt us for sure, even more important gonna make harder to work on feats, and this also gonna encourage players to premade the same map over and over giving harder time those who don't have time to premade because are not farming the map just want the weekly bonus.

    At the moment we can obtain 13 MOS per week just winning every weekly bonus, how about allow us to win 13 MOS per week in any map, if a player want more MOS have to reset, but we should not be force to log different days or hours to work on our weekly marks for pvp.

    To end, i didn't see any mention about the fix in the constant declines every day especially in big maps holding players up to 30 minutes or more sometimes.
  3. Horrorshow New Player

    Most of you are just complaining about the idea instead of providing helpful work-arounds. This is a wonderful idea and it will make PVP a lot more fun. It will give everyone the opperutunity to play different types of games on their favorite maps. You can't say playing a 2v2 deathmatch in FOS is not going to be fun? Read the posts that some of the people are replying in here. So far Liongale's reply is the more constructive. Changing the current feats to apply to all 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 5v5, and 8v8 gametypes regardless of the map is a great idea. 90% of you are complaining about the feats when that can easily be changed. The Devs can edit the wording and the function of the feats, so do not worry about it.

    I hope they plan to add more maps than what we have. Another good area would be the area you fight Harley Quinn/Robin. Scarecrow's sewer fight area is another awesome idea. <3
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  4. Horrorshow New Player

    It functions just like the weekly rewards for raids, alerts, and duos. It is still going to be the same regardless. Right now we are waiting a week for the stuff to reset. You have managed to get by then and you will probably manage to get by now. This idea is to lessen the wait of the ques and give us new maps to PVP on. The game can't function durring your time of the day. If the Devs implemented this it would make the PVP ques pop because there is not a lot of competition between the other maps. Less maps available means more PVP ques and less of a wait.
  5. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Thanks for the feedback! We appreciate that people have different schedules. We also appreciate that people like to play alts. But, to be honest, we aren't going to balance our progression just to accommodate the worst case scenario (less playtime + many characters). Alts are something that someone who plays a lot, or who has maxed out other characters but still wants to make progress, should expect to maintain at the bleeding edge of progression.
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  6. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Because it bears repeating, please note we will be adjusting vendor costs and rewards based on there being less maps. Less maps at a time doesn't mean you suddenly earn gear slower.
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  7. LIABILITY New Player

    A lot of people have been questioning the changes in terms of the consequences to the existing 'win 50/100/250 matches in Austrailia/Star Labs/Moo feats..
    The logical step to take here it to change the feat to the corresponding game types , for example.

    Win 50/100/250 Austrialia matches becomes, win 50/100/250 capture matches

    This way they can ensure all corresponding feats are still able to be progressed on a daily basis.
  8. GODOFLIGHT New Player

    to be able to synch easier is a good idea however the seasonal pvp crap is not
  9. Goony New Player

    id rather it be win 50/100/250 2/4/5/8 team matches makes more sense
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  10. Madholm New Player

    Why is that? Are you afraid that people just starting the game might beat you if you don't have a huge gear advantage? Do you want PvP to completely die from lack of players due to the gear disparity being too high?

    Sounds like to me you just want to be able to beat up on newbies in pve/blue pvp gear. With the changes to matchmaking that won't be happening anyway so what is your problem with it? PvE has more item levels from T3 to T4 than they plan to implement for 'season' gear and you didn't have a problem with that.
  11. Horrorshow New Player

    Devs, you are going to have to change the way the missions work as well. You get missions inside daily boxes that say a specific map to do. The feats and missions should be combined into one feat and mission for that arena type.

    The seasonal PVP gear and progroession is a tottally different thread. If you have concerns about that why don't you keep it in that thread? They are doing that idea to give everyone the oppertunity to PVP. It is also going to give people an actual reason to PVP again. When someone reaches the full tier gear they don't PVP as much as they used to. This idea not only gives new players the chance to fight on an even playing field, but give verterans the ability to have progression. PVP is lacking any sort of progression after a tier is completed. The fact they are giving us new styles makes it even more great. Hopefully they will add new trinkets (not like the stupid home turf ones) to make it even better.
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  12. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    Thanks for the feedback. I wanted to address this particular part. Right now we're thinking this wouldn't have to change. It depends on how frequently the maps are rotated as to whether or not we need to make an adjustment here. There may be times when you need to wait for a window of opportunity to complete a missive.
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  13. Purple Diesel New Player

    Yeah Honestly that does not work, we still need the option to either pick individual maps or opt for an auto map rotation, but dont restrict us to the maps you think we should play. if I need 5 acrobats in the pit you better believe I want to play the pit untill I get the missive complete or atleast have that option!!!
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  14. phen0mena Committed Player

    Can they be looked at anyway?

    I would simply prefer simple objectives.
    There are so many that are too long to complete, because of how the game is played.

    For instance, I've had "KO 5 acrobats in australia" in my log for weeks on end, one because there are very few acrobats, two australia doesn't pop often, and three, with how this map has been changed, getting any KO's is a feat onto itself. For an idea of how long this really takes, I've had australia qued for three weeks straight, every single day, at all times when I am logged in, this being a several hour span. I'm currently at 2/5 going on week four.

    I would prefer simply: "Win a match on map "xyz".

    Really and truthfully, I almost want to just delete these things as they come, because I hate having this junk in my quest log. I do not like depending on factors 'zyx' for my progression. I like to be in control of my goals, not depend on luck.
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  15. Purple Diesel New Player

    all sounds well except the map rotation, let people play what they want when they want. There is no need for this as a Progressive Pvp person my goal of the week is to accomplish all my arenas before reset. but if I want to just grind lairs then I should have that ability as a player who pays to play I should have a say in what I play, should I not?
  16. Designated Well-Known Player

    If this helps queues pop faster then I say full steam ahead. This sounds like a creative idea for fixing a problem, and it's worth a try; shouldn't we all want more of that type of action from the Devs?
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  17. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    While we appreciate the feedback, and are making adjustments and additions to our plan based on feedback, the map rotation itself is going to go forward. While we are more likely to look at the missives themselves, like we are with feats, the idea behind rotation and limiting maps to queue on isn't as flexible.

    Again, thanks for the feedback on the missives themselves.
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  18. Madholm New Player

    The missives are just there to give you an incentive to queue for a particular map and they don't need to be done as soon as you get them. If you don't have the patience to wait a day or two until that maps comes up then IDK what to tell you other than see a shrink; perhaps you have OCD or maybe you are just complaining because that's just your nature. Either way it's a personal problem, not a game problem as you would still be able to complete the mission (it's not broken or bugged).

    The decision to rotate maps is a game decision, to address a game problem. The decision was made to consolidate the players to cut down on queue times which improves the quality of play experience for everyone involved. Your personal compulsion to play a certain map, simply because you have a mission for it, is irrelevant to the rest of their players.
  19. Spytle Executive Creative Director

    There really is a need for it. I'm sorry you don't see the need, but there is. You will always be able to play any map anytime through arranged match making.

    I don't have a better explanation than what has been provided already in the thread, but if i think of a way to more clearly outline the need to you I will follow up again.
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  20. Horrorshow New Player

    I like the idea a lot and can't wait to see what you do with it. Thank you!
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