PVP Map Rotation and New Game modes

Discussion in 'Battle of the Legends (PvP)' started by Heavens Sword, Nov 2, 2015.

  1. Heavens Sword Dedicated Player

    Any chance of this returning, Break it down to multiples for each type, maybe keep up the last laugh dlc content if even shuffled about.

    Deathmatch, Capture the Flag, King of the Hill, Capture and hold or just 1v1, 2v2, 4v4, 5v5, 8v8

    Maybe even Return of all the trinkets and mods, with an introduction of Hardcore mode without utility belts or consumables which i think we have now. May see a return of playerbase, or shorter queue times.

    Maybe introduction of Free for All, Marks for All and Double marks for most Kills. Would love this for Legends.

    Maybe even Invasion, Using PVE maps FOS with Superman, Batman in Batcaves, Khandaq and Black Adam, Lexcorp and Lex, the larger the team size the more NPCs. Arena Exclusive. Fight alongside your factions Iconic heros or villians on their hometurf, or plot to overtake your opposing forces, with an army at your side will you come out triumphant, 50 vs 50 for 8v8, 30 vs 30 for 5v5, 20 vs 20 for 4v4.

    Id say throw in Iconics into old game modes, Creating Iconic mode as a 3rd mode going both ways. Tempting Hardcore and Regular Avid Gamers to dwell over to the other side.

    Might also work for PVE, could work like dailies which id also like in PVP, and brought back for tiers beyond T3, Maybe stat clamp and buffed enemies.