Putting on my player hat

Discussion in 'Concluded' started by Spytle, Feb 27, 2014.

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  1. Noisereject New Player

    Venom is pretty beast.

    Though you shouldn't be surprised, this thread is everywhere at this point
  2. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    You quoted me when I said where had the reading comprehension disappeared to and you highlighted it right there. That quoted portion am I making an assumption that Mozart would have taken offense? yes, since hes not around to pose the hypothetical situation to I must make assumptions, the assumption that I completed failed at not just failed but pretty much drowned was the assumption that there would be people that would understand it and not take it 100% literally which I truly find sad. The "Just as I have" was a response to the analogy's outcome not myself being mozart.

    Ok let me offer one last analogy that people like YOU and others would be able to correctly comprehend without talking about musical instruments. Bob writes for a magazine that reviews MMO's and Bob plays DCUO for the first time and goes through the level 1-30 process then writes his article and shares his opinion about the game not being hugely difficult and it being easy and just tedious but he doesn't say in the article that he only based it on level 1-30 and didn't do anything else. Well Matt has been playing DCUO for 3 years and reads this magazine article and replies to Bob that its not fair to base your opinion just on level 1-30 because that is basically just the tip of the iceberg there are alerts and raids that offer a great deal of challenge and how can you base your opinion on a game without trying the the more difficult parts. Now me (obsidianchill) agrees with Matt's assessment of bob's article and finds offense to bob's opinion as well. Now basically that is exactly what has happened here, Bob is Jens sharing an opinion about HL's difficulty without even attempting anything that would be considered hard and the standard of a HL dps and myself is Matt trying to explain to Bob where his faults where in his opinion.

    Sp please Mouse take that in the most literal sense and get back to me
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  3. Yallander Loyal Player

    My point was that they understand the game on a different level like someone who knows how to build a car may not understand how to handle it during a race. Anything beyond that was just you being annoyed for no reason. Devs aren't the only ones that work long hours. Just got off a 22 hour shift myself...
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  4. D3athStrik3 Well-Known Player

    This is how I view the current state of this thread...
    The game has turned casual, no going back once you go casual, your never supposed to go full-casual...
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  5. SuperiorMouse New Player

    Honestly I didn't read past the first few words. I've made it out of a post secondary education too. I can read just fine and my reading comprehension is just fine. You're not talking to those children who look up to you in YouTube videos. I'm an adult.

    You clearly compared yourself. Period. In doing this you set yourself up for criticism in a discussion where respect for you was lacking anyhow. No amount of backtracking and finger pointing or deflection is going to make any of us responsible for misunderstanding anything you wrote. Like I said, a better analogy next time.

    You need to log out OC. Walk away from the forum and the game.
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  6. D3athStrik3 Well-Known Player

    Completely false, I can think of several people on villian side much more suited to that title...
    Your downright Jolly compared to them... :p
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  7. ObsidianChillSucks New Player

    Thank you for highlighting your personal and educational accomplishments to us, however if you aren't going to demonstrate them I am going to treat you as such. If you truly wanted to act like an adult you wouldn't have taken that as a literal direct comparison and would have been of at least a rational mind to see the point I was making and not dwell on the name I used because I truly don't believe i'm making it that hard. But alas you and everyone else just want to take whatever you can grasp to respond to me as you have shown here. Any analogy I would have presented people would have found something to criticize so far be it for me to spell everything out in laymen terms.
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  8. Ogat New Player

    Mousy you don't, seem to have a healthy attitude either in an angry mob leader kind of way.
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  9. TrueOlympus New Player

    Quick! Someone say something clever so I can feel entertained again!!!!
  10. Noisereject New Player

    Cheese Cake, Chocolate Cake. Entertained yet?
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  11. Grid Ion Committed Player

    Wow...Took me some time to go through the 39 Pages. Well firstly I am happy that Spytle is actually learning clipping. Took you long enough to get started eh? :p I hope he understands that clipping is not as easy as others make it out to be. It's not something that can be learned in one day but it's not totally impossible or too hard if guided and practiced on a daily basis.

    I think we should stop with the ridicule. We all can see that Spytle is clearly not good at clipping but he is getting there. Like I said you don't get to master it in one day. He also says that it isn't something difficult and is relatively easy. Well I think what he meant was that IF practiced properly, jump clipping/clipping isn't somehting way too hard. With a sufficient amount of practice one might either excel at it or be decent. Ofcourse skill varies from player to player so you can't expect everyone to clip like a god. Some will be very good and some might suck. That's natural.

    I also want to point that this ridiculous 'I am better than you at this game' thing needs to stop. I know people who can smoke some of the leet dpsers in this thread. So stop with the bs. A large fraction of community doesn't use forum at all and there are alot of highly skilled players out there. Don't think you are the best when you clearly are not ( Saying in general and not to anyone specific ).

    As for me, I really like the new WM system. I think it is very unique and opens a whole lot of different possibilities on how to dps. I guess we will see quite a variety of dpsers in DLC 10. Which is a good thing because right now the dpsing is getting pretty linear. I also think and hope that the adjustments to Clipping, Jump Clipping and animation times will balance out the powersets a bit more. Which is again good because it would be nice to see powersets like Electric, Ice, Fire and Earth back in action ;) Right now 70% of the Dpsers are either Rage or Celestial.

    @Devs: Please don't go overboard with the Jump Clipping nerf. I don't mind the change but please leave it viable as a dpsing tool.
    • Like x 4
  12. Dametria Loyal Player

    Maybe, but only if I can get cherries on the cheese cake. :p
  13. TrueOlympus New Player

    ...... How did you know Cheese Cake was my favorite food? Not sure if entertained.... or worried
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  14. D3athStrik3 Well-Known Player

    Cheesy Poofs and kitty better not be messing with my pot pie!!!
  15. Noisereject New Player

    A lucky guess? :3

    Cherries... I love cherries on my shakes... Never tried them on cake though, I wonder how good it will be when I try it on cake... Dx ugh sounds delicious !_!
  16. Sylo Committed Player

    The game has always been casual. Its not like all along( three years ) the game consisted of the kind of difficulty that dox and wave introduced and their nerfs were a sign of the changing times.:rolleyes:

    The difficulty that dox and wave introduced was "never" in the game prior. They were the result of the dev's listening to a very, very small part of the userbase. So in closing, the game is not "going casual/turned casual" because it always was casual. Only for a brief time did they up the difficulty.
    • Like x 7
  17. Forsberg New Player

    And at the end of the day.. none if it mattered.

    And all slept soundly in the realm.

    When you sleep remember.. Just a game... Just a game... Just a game..
  18. NotZuZu New Player

    It seems as though Obsidian has alienated himself. Interesting. *sips tea*
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  19. aceCase Committed Player

  20. Drakonicus New Player

    We got it. You are obssesed with that map.
    • Like x 1
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