Put the -RECONNECTING- function, and not just disconnected that takes you out of the game.

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by AGGUSTEN, Mar 22, 2022.

  1. AGGUSTEN Well-Known Player

    Please, it's been so long, I think you can now place or work on that option that most other games have! when you lose the connection or if the internet cuts you for a few moments don't kick you out of the game completely, don't close all the doors, don't have to open everything again, just, Reconnecting... Trying to bring You back to the Lifetime. or Oh, Connection Restored. Let's keep going.

    On a rainy day, in a flicker of light, unless you are a lucky upper-class person in a prodigious area, with a faultless electricity network, with the most pro internet providers in the world, we may have already fallen several times. It's annoying because Dcuo doesn't open on click, we already know it has launcher, multiple instances etc.

    At least when the connection is lost, we should be returned to the character selection menu, helpful isn't it?

    I think we all thought about it at some point, please, is it possible to implement it?
  2. Illumin411 Loyal Player

    This would be nice. But simply making it so we don’t lose supercharge would eliminate 80% of the annoyance of disconnecting IMO.
  3. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    when you hear thunder, unplug your electronics.
    monitor doppler radar for your area.
    There is a personal responsibility to knowing your chances of maintaining an internet connection.


    "omg! local weather can effect my internet?"
    /changes the VHS and microwave timer to 3 hours earlier.

    meanwhile, your complaint is about not being able to rejoin a group. apparently you did not know the character names within the group you were in to ask them to invite you back in when you were online again?
  4. Doctor Nova Devoted Player

    your group

    if pugging, i alt escape ASAP. when i identify newbs. Let them learn the mechanics on on some one elses time or watch a gamplay videeo b4 envolving 7 other pkayers time

    I Shirley hope you are not swappinga orbital strike for a supply drop, or artifact, when you could have beeen reviving a player. It's about completionng the content, not being top damage output. I see u swapping, i don't see reviving. chances of completions, the goal, does not require swapping.
  5. Green Action Well-Known Player

    so we have this back in 2018-2019, the problem became people started expoiliting it etc, it's the same thing as back when teen titans got realeased, that had a feature where you could push both analog sticks down on controller while your character was down, making so you could drive your character over to be picked up by your teammates, sadly they took it back out due to people abusing it for feats, which sucks cause i had fun racing my friends around the watch tower while being downed, new players use to think it was some kind of glitch, oh the glory days of dcuo xbox lol.