puntuaction in trade window to avoid scams

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by PoKTLi, Aug 14, 2017.

  1. PoKTLi Active Player

    • Not exactly a bug ... i had 3 attempts of scam in these days. Im selling an ítem for 80 mil and when we get to trade window they only put 8 mil hopping i dont realize there is a missing 0. Is there any posibility you add a comma or a point between hundreds and tousands in trade window, so its harder for ppl to scam others? it would be usefull also some punctuaction when amounts on bróker are stablished. Ty in advance
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  2. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    yeah, i was doing a trade yesterday for 40 mil, I had to sit there and count every number to make sure it's correct, because if you're not careful, it easy to mistake the amount thats in the box.

    one should always take their time with trades and not rush through to avoid this stuff.

    but yeah,

    +1 on that QoL idea.
  3. Aerith Rose Committed Player

    I will add my support to this idea :)
  4. GoldenDodge Dedicated Player

    I remember what a pain it was on the broker before they added them, those who trade must always be on the lookout for scammers.
    They were added to the mail system as well.
    It would be a good idea.
    • Like x 1
  5. Hempkrete Active Player

  6. Kestral Committed Player

    Though it would still be really nice to also have punctuation when you are entering your sale price to prevent mistakes.