PUG Life: The Legend Continues

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by jamesbopp43, Sep 1, 2015.

  1. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I typically queue up for anything except end game raids, so I do my fair share of PUGs (well, I didn't pick them up, but I consider random queues to be synonymous). I'm sure we all have our fair share of PUG Life stories, and I would love to hear them because they make me laugh.

    My first story comes from a run I did yesterday. I queued up for Fatal Exams alert and the group consisted of myself (CR 131), 2 CR 130s, and a CR 129. So I felt good, figured we have some experience in this group....well, not so much. After the first boss, the CR 129 got the "passing the 1st test" feat. So I can tell it's their first time...which means the wind tunnel and the final boss room will not go well with him. But it's ok, you really only need 3 people to understand the mechanics to get through FE smoothly....If only that were the case.

    We go into the wind tunnel test and one guy grabs the first node, so I leap frog and grab a node on the 2nd row. But then, one of the CR 130s leap frogs me and grabs a node on the 3rd row. This guy is not in voice chat and I can't type because I'm holding down block. I spend the next minute or so watching the CR 129 try to run and get blown backwards.

    After we fail, I type in chat to the CR 130 how he needed to grab the 2nd node on the 2nd row so the first row guy can move up. His response: don't blame me that you can't block and roll. I tell him, I did block and role, but that's not the point, you have to bring the walls up so the other guys can move up. He replies: again, don't be me that you can't block and roll.

    At this point, I realize I'm talking to a brick wall. After he doesn't show up to the final boss room, I kick him (I think he dc'd, either way, he wentered invisivile and i couldnt find him on our map). Me and another guy 2 man the final room since the cr 129 died by the parademons after not unlocking the ground terminals. Overall it went smoothly.

    The kicked guy sends me a tell after the alert ends and says something along the lines of us being scrubs. I send a tell back to him, telling him we can group up and I'll explain on mic how the mechanics of that room work, but by that time he logged out. Apparently he wanted to send a tell, then run away.

    So afterwards, I wavedox'd him. CR 130, 66 skill points. The dude is a Maxx Idiot. I don't mind the CR 129 guy not knowing anything...it's his first time. But a CR 130 ignorant know-it-all, that's frustrating.

    Lol. Oh well, PUG Life.
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  2. xxOMNIPOTENTxx Committed Player

    This'll be interesting, so many scenarios I could post in this thread. Most interesting one lately was a guy trying to Tank Bombshell with 54 SP's as a Rage guy. I know it can be done, but he just didn't have the skill set required, and he kept wiping. As we tried to explain why it would be best for him to DPS, he told us that he's not going to DPS. Needless to say, we couldn't kick the guy because apparently everyone in the group was still in the 3 hour "No kick" window.

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  3. BlueDynamo Active Player

    I have been trying to finish two feats in Nexus and have been pugging them lately. I have also played this game primarily as a controller and don't typically dps. I have been practicing in lower content and thought if the opportunity presents itself I'll dps in the raid.
    I enter the instance with me at 122 CR, a 131 CR fire dps and the remainder are at level.(1 Troll, 1 Healer, 1 Tank and 3 DPS.) I queued as a troll but found that I wasn't needed for trolling while clearing to the boss so I went dps. We would get to the boss, I would switch as the other troll was running out of power. So for half the raid I ran as a dps and the other half as a troll.
    We get to the part where you have the two robots you need to kill at the same time and we were having problems killing both. The other troll went down, so I switched to troll role and would drop POT and power at one robot then fly over to the other robot and do the same thing. This way each side has power to burn the robots. We finish of the robots and fight Lex in the last room and beat him. Score card comes up and the 131 CR player has demolished everyone in damage. I am second place, well behind the 131 CR dps.
    I get a tell that says "your garabage" (No I didn't spell that wrong, that is what he sent.)
    I shake my head and respond that I was splitting my time between roles. He tells me again "your garabage, damege s**t" then he logs off.
    So I thought I did the right thing by splitting but I guess not according to the 131 CR.

    Lol. Oh well, PUG Life.
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  4. Veritasum Loyal Player

    I have a positive of which I have had two as of late which is historically uncommon for my experience.
    Qd up for Lab last night on my 108 healer alt that I'm trying to bring up to speed so I can vary my end game experience.

    Got into group and only 2 players were overgeared, a tank and a dps and it made things a whole lot easier. One guy left immediately but someone else came in, no big deal. Burn and tank were good, heals not so good :rolleyes:, but got through first boss no issues.
    Get to the gas room and the dps keep burning the ads. I asked to stop the dps and I was asked why? I explained and they said ok and we completed the objective no problems.
    Throughout the raid, for some reason, the troll kept wandering off and delaying things and rushing into the rooms and dying, but everyone was polite and told him what not to do and eventually he too complied and overall the run was smooth. It took about 38 minutes and a chunk of that was waiting for the troll to respawn after dying or to come join the group.

    The moral is no one was rude, the inexperienced learned and no need to kick anyone. It was not a true at tier experience because the 2 129 players make a huge difference, but they stuck with it and were helpful. Very often the overgeared simply have no patience for this, so it was great to be in that raid for me.
    As sad as that sounds, it's a testament of how my expectations can be negative and all turns out good. There's a small light of hope that there are players that are willing to learn and willing to teach without putting people down or anything like that. It shows that there are people coming up that will hopefully help the game in the long run.
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  5. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Lol, I like to image the healer or tank died right next to him, and he wouldn't pick up. Great story man, and good job being adaptable in that run, the others guys should be appreciative of that effort.
  6. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    That's great it went so smoothly. I'm guessing having players with mics helped a lot (it does on PS, hate typing instructions on a controller). You're right, expectations become so low that it's a happy surprise when cooperation overcomes.
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  7. Backseid Devoted Player

    I like how CR129 is ok to not know anything, but 130?, no way man. Lol
  8. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    CR 129 didn't send him ugly tells...
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  9. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    lol you think you legend try pugging on the villian side with 20 characters (if he is a villain you can tell I just read the title)
  10. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    I never said it was ok. I said that I can tell it's his first time. His lack of knowledge made sense, and I explained how to do the mechanics in group chat. However, the CR 130 guy was combative while I was providing constructive feedback. Both of these occurrences are a part of pugging, I just focused my story more on the person being argumentative.
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  11. jamesbopp43 Committed Player

    Yeah, you should've read the post. The title is a nod to a 90s tv show called Kung Fu: The Legend Continues. Other than that, Legend has nothing to with my post
  12. Antwoman Dedicated Player

    noted- I will read more often,,,you know us young kids nowadays its go go go....Starbucks....then go go go some more.
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  13. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Question, where can I go on settings where I can prevent ppl from ninja inviting me in pugs? It very irritating when I try to sell stuff or do a feat run and I press X by accident
  14. Ichiro Loyal Player

    setting, gameplay, ignore instance invites
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  15. GalaxySniper Loyal Player

    Thanks. No more playing bomshell 5 times in a day loot locked for me lol
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