PS4 Questions

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by TheAkuma, Nov 18, 2013.

  1. TheAkuma Well-Known Player

    I was hoping either someone on the PS4 has found a solution to these couple problems .

    1- Creating chat tabs does not always save. They will be there till you log out or switch toons then possibly will be gone.

    2- To type chat on the PS4 you press the touchpad to open up the option. When I switch toons the new toon will be glitched. You will press the chat tab to open up the chat but X is removed from the display. If you press X after that it will close out the chat window. Closing the game application will fix this but is annoying.

    Anyone else have these 2 issues or has anyone found ways to avoid them?
  2. SoylentBob New Player

    I just switch back to PS3 for DCUO.
    There's a laundry list of problems with the PS4 version from all the social function glitches to not earning SoT trophies.
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  3. fr0sty New Player

    People have had those 2 issues and many more. No real work-around until an update is released, I guess.
  4. Delyxe New Player

    This ^^^