PS4 controller lag on test

Discussion in 'Testing Feedback' started by Jameztowerz, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Jameztowerz Active Player

    I am testing the new powers and noticed that there is lag when using my PS4 controller doing combos. This only happened inside the instances but when I'm in the hq or my base there is no lag anyone have any input on this
  2. YinChakra Dedicated Player

  3. Steel Glove Well-Known Player

    Are you using Bluetooth or plugged in directly? Are you using input mapper if plugged in?
  4. TheNumber 2 Well-Known Player

    I'm having similar issues. The controller is plugged-in USB. I make it about 10-15 mins just fine, then the frame rate gradually bottoms out.
  5. Jafin 10000 Post Club

    This is not just on Test, it happens to me on Live too. It seems some people are able to use a PS4 controller just fine but others have this issue. It's been happening since the PS4 launched and has never been addressed despite being reported numerous times.
  6. TheNumber 2 Well-Known Player

    I had actually seen where you posted on the issue tracker, but someone closed it before it could be investigated. Temporary solution for me was just unplugging and replugging every 15 mins or so.
  7. Diligent Diggles Well-Known Player

    By temporary, do you mean this no longer works?
  8. TheNumber 2 Well-Known Player

    No, I mean temporary as in when or if they get it fixed. Also just unplugging the cord from the controller will do the trick. Simply reconnect it and the issue should dissolve for awhile.
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