PS3 server latency

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by REEEPR, May 16, 2013.

  1. REEEPR New Player

    The NPC attacks are happening before the animations start in the anomalies. Santo while on his back keeps hitting me with his rifle's surprise volley a full second and a half before getting off the ground.

    I'm also having two sets of attacks hitting me simultaneously causing my instant death from just under half health. It's been going on all day and everything is fine on my end.

    Now, any trolls thinking of taking a cheap shot please don't derail this thread. I play these anomalies on 4 toons daily with no deaths and i don't use health barrels anymore. This is a technical issue.
  2. Physique Dedicated Player

    No trolling here but just pointing out that the latency could be from a number of different sources.

    Since the anamolies are solo instanced, I'm certain that it runs via the client on-box and not via the server. In that case, whatever latency you'd be getting may be coming from the various in-game comm data (voice chat, text channels, mail). When you have a large friend or league list, if things are busy an issue like this could happen because bandwidth is stretched. Also, as a troubleshooting question, look at your set-up and see what is wireless and what is not (headset wired or wireless? controller plugged in via USB cable or running wireless? Is it fully charged? Any other electronics aside from the PS3 and TV running nearby?). All of these could cause enough interference to occur to where it looks like latency because things are reacting slowly.

    Again, I emphasize that this isn't being said to deflect or deny there may be something else going on at SOE (routers, not the server hardware) but rather to make sure all the bases of troubleshooting are covered.
  3. BomombRook New Player

    They need to fix the damn ps3 server already. Npcs are not showing up, adds aren't at all and keep getting disconnected.