PS3 constantly crashing

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Jad-Ell, Mar 27, 2015.

  1. Zneeak Devoted Player

    I got my facts straight. When someone got a Ps3 to start with, most of them don't even seem very interested in updating it in any way, so yeah, there are a whole lot of Ps3-laggers out there.

    What I find ironic is how all of a sudden every single Ps3 player shows up now, stating that they have NEVER EVER had any problems until now, but the threads started by Ps3-players complaining about the lag, bugs, glitches in-game haven't gone anywhere during all this time. People sit on an outdated and poorly upgraded console of their own, probably with a bad connection along with it and then make threads on the forums about how the game is the issue. That's the hilarious thing about it. :p
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  2. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    What's hilarious about it? The game is the issue. The devs even said as much when they fixed it internally. Obviously, you don't have your facts straight. Literally. the only PS3 specific issues I've had have been rendering ones. Never have I had lag or crashes related specifically because of the PS3. Lag usually comes from the game's servers or my network, NOT my PS3 system.
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  3. the solowing Unwavering Player

    you CAN play the game, but its unbearable... a sad technicality
  4. Zneeak Devoted Player

    My whole point flew above your head as you were screaming "MY PS3 WILL NEVER BE UPDATED", but it's fine. Somewhere down the road you all have to realize that Ps3 is the issue for a lot of things.
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  5. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Question and it could be a real simple answer..............Why not do the PS4 and PC on the server meld and phase PS3 to their own server????? I understand the Devs made a commitment to finish out these trilogies and I respect that. But they seem to be working on other things too and why not just separate them when you do the merger?????

    Don't bring PC down so it can be on with PS#........take PS3 to a trimmed down server with appropriate 'coding'. The PC/PS4 would then be free to be more expansive and detailed.
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  6. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    Your point didn't fly over my head. However, my point obviously flew way over yours lol. PS3 is not the issue. Most problems with the game come down to 1 of 3 things. Either the game's servers, the player's network connection, or the game itself. It's very rare for problems to be strictly because of the PS3 system itself.

    Take the relatively recent issue of invisible players in PVP that's been plaguing PS3 players. That issue hasn't affected every single PS3 player and usually only affected just one character of the PS3 player affected by it. That indicates to me that it's not strictly a PS3 system issue but more an issue with the game itself, an issue they actually took strides to fix in this recent update. Before blaming stuff on the PS3 system, it would do you well to learn where certain issues are actually coming from.
  7. DcPlayer313 Committed Player

    Time to upgrade people. That ps3 can't handle the level of content at this point.
  8. Varda Elbreth New Player

    I use a ps3, yes some issues are the system but not this one. only thing I really gotta put up with is slower load time. I had issues other then that at the beginning but not lately. after amazon fury 2 I had not one issue on this system until the update so yes it is a game issue. as for those of you that wanna be mad cuz not every person can be on a 4, screw you and use your brain for something other then keeping space between your ears. most of us are kids without jobs and whos parents wont buy a 4 on a whim. those that are adults probably have their own issues financially that prevents buying one. we were going to get one but then my father got in a car accident so now with those new unexpected bills we just cant get it for now. so all you ps4 users that complain about us 3 players, get off your freaking high horses and ****.
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  9. Azrael New Player

    Lol it's sad given clear evidence that from players and devs that ps 3 console is not the problem but I clinet issue. Ppl still screaming PS3 is the problem. If the devs continue to run this game on 3.0 engine it is true what the devs stated that they will support INDEFINITELY.
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  10. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

    Before I got warning from a Moderator for going Kitty Pawn Trolling on some of you that still going on with the blind argument that the only fix is to get a PS4, please, read my previous documentation presented in this very thread.

    Some arguments are like saying that you need a new car because the current one got out of gas. Go to the gas station and fill the tank. Stop going blindly in a discussion with unsupported arguments.


    Nice day to everyone.

    PD. Document yourself before trying to have an intelligent discussion.
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  11. just an honest dps New Player

    no the update didn't make things worse. it made things bad. ps3 gameplay was fine before.
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  12. just an honest dps New Player

    if you had that issue then it is not a ps3 issue it is an issue with your connection or how you take care of your consoles.i've never had those issues until this update.
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  13. Derio 15000 Post Club

    Because PS3 was promised till 6 months after the trilogies.
  14. CollKev Well-Known Player

    Justpaid for a new membership, and i cant even enjoy the game. I freeze every 30 minute, i cant complete a raid or alert. I freeze like 5 times a day.
  15. rawlings42 Well-Known Player

    Exactly but can't that time be spent on a separate server??? They are trying to merge the PC/PS ones anyways.......instead of merging the PS PC as is, Split the PS4 and merge with PC but leave PS3 on it's own trimmed down server. They can deliver the content promised and not hold back the other two systems.......
  16. RealGODofWar New Player

    All those Ps4 players who jumped the PS3 ship, don't realize that until recently the PS3 has been running the best it had in years. Sure theirs a few rendering related problems. But in terms of freezing and other issues we have had in the past, the Ps3 is running very good
  17. 12AngelOfLife21 Loyal Player

    I'll upgrade on one condition. One of you closed minded players buy me a PS4 lol. Seriously, y'all do realize that not everyone can fork over $400 on a game console for JUST ONE GAME, don't you lol?
  18. GJGBlackDragon Dedicated Player

  19. Zneeak Devoted Player

    You do realize that they can't cater to an outdated console forever, right? They will have to move on without the Ps3 in a not too distant future in order to make changes that benefits them more than just sticking to the same old that the precious little Ps3 can still handle.
  20. MrWon Committed Player

    *Claps Slowly*