PS3 Client Hotfix - February 5, 2014

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Mepps, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    A client hotfix will be deployed to US PS3 and EU PS3 players today at 9:30AM PST. No downtime will be required, and players will automatically download the new client the next time they log in. Players may notice the following changes:

    ·Resolved a performance issue in the Downtown Metropolis Battlezone (DLC9) where the world and NPCs would be slow to load in.
    ·Capes on characters with the male Spark body type will now properly respect the rules of gravity.
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  2. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    Repost from previous thread:

    What about the identical performance issues that occur outside of the Metropolis battleground areas? Referring specifically to long load/render times in open world Metro and Gotham, huge lag times when accessing UI features like journal and inventory and group loot screens.

    What I'd really like is an option to turn off ambient visuals like the smoke and mist clouds in open world. It wasn't until those were added that the render times got ridiculous for PS3. I'd rather have a playable, slightly blander game world than an unplayable pretty one.
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  3. BumblingB I got better.

    I was under the impression this would also affect PC and PS4? Will there be one for them at a later date?
  4. Jamie New Player

    This is good news. Should this have a positive impact on rendering outside of these zones as well?
  5. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    We are working on a few game-wise performance improvements as well, but not for this hotfix.
  6. Korlick Loyal Player

    Any update about the lag/crash in the JSA Headquarters during the Strike Operation when open the inventory or any kind of menu?
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  7. Franchise New Player

    this, makes it absolutely unbearable to play
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  8. iPlow New Player

    Hey Mepps, could you please confirm when the PS4 Client hotfix will be?
    A previous post said later this week, just wondering if that has been confirmed and almost ready to release?
  9. deltablues New Player

    yeah, I would gladly downgrade graphics to actually be able to participate in new content.
  10. deltablues New Player

    yeah, both of the new operations are unplayable for me. Render lag is horrible but also every I go into a building I either freeze or end up under the floor and no matter how many times I warp to rally I still end up under the floor. Because of this I'm just not running the new stuff, which is really lame because I was really excited for it.
  11. Mepps Sr. Community Manager

    Should be this week still.
  12. TeenWuulf Well-Known Player

    Thanks for the response, Mepps.
  13. HeirToThaThrone Committed Player

    I hate to be "that guy", but can something be done about the lag in the last area of Stike? Pressing start either locks the screen for however many seconds or just straight freezes the game, but you can still hear sounds.

    edit: somebody beat me to being that guy
  14. NyyPope New Player

    It is Greatly appreciated Mepps.
  15. TheVoiceOfReason Well-Known Player

    This didn't fix a thing. Still takes for ever in loading screen and for things to appear. It might even be worse than before now.
  16. Jamie New Player

    Mepps, can you give us an update when this is going into effect? Last night around 5 PM PST I logged in and went to the battlezone. I flew off to one of the collection areas and waited for a minute or 2 for the adds to render. Or did this update only impact the alerts and not the open area of the battlezone?
  17. zodiark08 New Player

    i need help i got legendary yesterday to run the new dlc today well i ran my t5 troll in the new missions and got lagged out seven times in a row it was not a connection issue on my part i have the fastest net my provider gives its an 60 meg connection so i reset everything checked my nat which was open and still cant run any four player missions or 8 player without getting kicked please tell me your gonna fix this issue i have legendary and cant run a thing besides 2 player t5's? which isn't helping me at all only getting 2 marks of reality ???
  18. zodiark08 New Player

    problem still going on i also want to note i'm on ps3 and that whenever i get kicked before hand the characters stop animating and just freeze's the whole world i can hear my friends on mic they can here me but i lag out its happened to them too so i'm not the only one who is having the problem its worst in the new raids and and alerts but happens in every mission making it through a whole mission is luck at this point which sucks i love to play dc i have 3 t5 characters and 4 t3/t4 characters but i cant spend anymore money on a game that i cannot play due to sever issues knowing i will not be reimbursed the days i have wasted trying to make it through one whole mission before lat update i was fine could run no problem after now i cant run anything at all please fix it asap
  19. zodiark08 New Player

    it takes me to the disconnect screen and says i have to be signed in to play when in fact i never signed out of psn the whole time nor do i have to sign back in to continue playing dc it just takes me immediately back to the character selection screen
  20. zodiark08 New Player

    new trigon gothom lags me out after about 5 mins in that area too also to note all missions are extremely laggy now cant even run duos anymore without the fear of getting dropped out