PS/PC Merge Character transfer not possible?

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Savage Blues, Jan 4, 2016.

  1. Savage Blues Active Player

    Hi, I've been away from the game for a couple years with minor returns.. I was told by a friend the playstation characters would be playing alongside the pc characters soon... so i looked around and everything I found said transfer of characters from psn to pc and vice versa was not possible. I've contemplated about returning to the dcuo scene but imagining rolling a new toon and grinding all those feats my psn account has done hurts my soul. SO.. I wanted to know why its not possible.. all i see is that its not currently possible.. which is really vague.. I would love to throw money at this game again... even if it costs me money to transfer my toon.. so if anyone has any information please let me know! Thanks. Cheers. :D
  2. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I don't know their reasoning, but ESO did this without any issues.

    Can't see why they wouldn't wanna do this here.

    Maybe it's a software limitation. If that's the case, they should have created this game under better software lol
  3. EconoKnight XIII Legion

    You cannot merge, but you will be able to play together. If you are playing on your Playstation, you can team up with someone playing on their PC (and vice versa); but to play your Playstation character, you have to log into PSN and play it on a Playstation.

    This is why they did the character name reclaim last year; there are now no duplicate names between Playstation and PC. If you are EconoKnight on PC, then there will never be an EconoKnight on Playstation.
  4. Ankh_Legacy Devoted Player

    It has to do with account ownership. PSN owns all the PS accounts for DCUO and do not want to let go of them.

    I am sure there are also other more technical reason on top of this but this is the major thing that's making it not happen.
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  5. Backseid Devoted Player

    Because of where our money goes. It's not all going into one pot.
  6. Absolix Loyal Player

    What ESO did was different. They allowed people who had characters on PC to create a copy of their characters for when the PS version launched. This isn't a transfer, but rather a copying.

    Unlike ESO both servers are already up and running, and allowing people to potentially copy characters with rare loot or at max cr and try to sell the account with the copied character off would prove detrimental for the game.