
Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Feenicks, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. Black Dawn Steadfast Player

    If they are worried about implementing it, they could make it active once you hit thirty or a certain cr.
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  2. Zuse Loyal Player

    will there be a good job for zuse
    being the divine judgment is pretty hard job already :p
    i go little too much into roleplaying
  3. The Sleet Well-Known Player

    I want to be able to punch in and punch out somewhere and have a boss that under-appreciates me...
  4. Welcome2TheNhk New Player

    But you do.. World renowned exobit hunter extraordinaire
  5. Phil Miller Committed Player

    Great point. I love this idea especially if tied into your mentor.
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  6. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Love this idea, especially the new life and importance it could place on the mentors again, lets face it they are kinda redundant now.

    I do have a toon that was born to be an evil Shelf Stacker, stats would increase as I lift heavy items into the back of my car while the CCTV is off (strength + cunning) or wreck items of food by 'dropping' them then eat them (health) or convince my Boss that I should have Saturday off to go to the match (dominance) - all perfect for a troll :p
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  7. Feenicks New Player

    The Devs could really take this ball and go in any direction. And it would flesh out these toons we've worked so hard on.
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  8. Ice Lantern New Player

    This will never be done for the following reasons:

    1) This would be a lot of work for SOE.

    2) The people who don't want to perform jobs would just cry about the advantages that are earned by performing jobs.

    I agree that this is a very basic MMO. But this is the very reason why a lot people play. This is the MMO for people who don't want to play MMO's.
  9. Feenicks New Player

    I understand your points. But because this is so basic a lot of people get bored. You progress your toon to a point and then he flatlines until the new content drops. Even though professions would have an impact on the game it would be something to attend to while waiting for that new content.
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  10. Geek ManXY New Player

    you do realize that Blacksmiths... are STILL working... right? I mean they may go by different names now but they still do the same thing pretty much. I use to work in machine shop where we made military grade hummers with reinforced armor plating and break away doors, there was a lot of metal working involved. We had some "Black smiths" working with us to cut and shape the armor plating that I would then weld onto the frames.

    Anyway, I don't see DCUO getting professions, it would be a LOT of fun though. The professions was my Favorite part about WoW, I was always engineering and mining. I think engineering would be fun on DC and you could make trinkets & R&D components.
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  11. Ice Lantern New Player

    It's not me you have to convince, I am all for it. I'm just saying why it won't ever happen.
  12. Fruity Reaper New Player

    Yeah I would love it to but cannot see it either, oh well I suppose we are all stuck being farmers ;)
  13. Feenicks New Player

    Even though I was quoting you, it was more for anyone who read it.

    I do understand your point. Itt would be a huge endeavor for the Devs. And they already have thier hands full. Think of it as more of a back burner idea they can keep on low heat until the time is right. Just planting the seed.

    Did I use enough metaphors? :)
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  14. lilithmoon New Player

    Work and go to school just to come home and work even more in DCUO? No, thanks.
  15. Marbou New Player

    This game is my time off, I don't want to have a second job.
  16. Minnion Devoted Player

    1)Because it would be a lot of work for SOE if we get it at all it would probably be in the form of a DLC.(After all they would be making money)
    2)The "Advantages" don't have to be anything that doesn't normally come with a DLC. (Mostly I figure the Jobs would be dailies that reward an item or something that you can trade, maybe an untradeable style item/uniform and perhaps earn some grindy type feats for doing it too.)

    And just to add a 3)The Jobs would have to above all else be somewhat "Fun" So for instance:

    Reporter: Track down and take pictures of stuff(You shift to first person to snap the picture), the fun part is that what you are trying to get pictures of usually consist of your favorite heroes and villains and the danger that getting them in the same shot puts you in.(Perk: Exstra money, and perhaps reputation boosts depending on who you sell the pictures to, the ability to frame your pictures and display them in your lair.)

    Scientist: This is the DC universe, do I really need to go into detail about the kind of stuff Comic book science gets into? Usually when an experiment fails it fails spectacularly, the bigger the potential reward the greater the risk. (Perk: "Develop" crafting recipes that you can craft and sell to other players. Basically doing different tiers of "research" to unlock a recipe you don't have, and the ability to share the ones you do have.)

    Basically what I'm saying is that the "perks" of running a proffesion should either be something you can share, something nobody would really care about enough to complain over(Feats), or something purely cosmetic(Lair items, cloths/styles)
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  17. The Johnny army New Player

    It's quite obvious that this would bring extra work for the devs and no one should DEMAND for it. It's just something that would add to the game and bring more immersion to it and we are saying we would LOVE to see it here. A lot of players role play in DCUO, that's why you seem so many xxxBat manxxx or Superman123456789 :)

    And because it would be an addition, no one would be forced to do it. Much like PvP, no one is forced to do it to advance in PvE content. You just get more from the game if you do.

    Well, at best, hopeful wishes :)
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  18. Minnion Devoted Player

    Prettymuch... I think it would be neet to see what proffsions could be made to be fun rather than an additional chore, what "perks" you guys think would be fair.(Me I think being able to craft unique profession related stuff would be a good perk that you could then sell on the broker, give to friends or trade to acquaintances. I also think having profession related feats would be fair as well.)
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  19. Feenicks New Player

    I'm loving the reporter idea a lot. I have an alt who's back story is he works at the Daily Planet. He does obits and stuff lke that but hopes one day to become a reporter. A "reporter" profession would flesh out the RP part of him. Make his back story mean something game-wise.

    Feenicks was a College Professor. Would love to have that in game. Not sure how. Maybe a perk in raids because of prior research.
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  20. Deranya Dedicated Player

    Don't forget the bankers and loan sharks.

    While it doesn't give us anything back, many have already made professions for themselves. Those that are willing to craft mods for anybody, for free. Yes, there are people not wanting money for it. Others are using the broker like a stock market, others run around collecting bets for duels.
    Actually, it is a scary thought, now that I think about it. Soon we will see people standing in dark corners of the HoD. " 2 reds for a dance?" ... eh yeah. Back on topic. I think it would be a fun idea for the game, but as said before, hard to imagine being added :)
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