Producers Letter Grade and Thoughts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Liko, Mar 27, 2024.

  1. Liko Well-Known Player


    With the producers letter announced, I'd thought Id give it a grade, some thoughts, questions, and ideas.

    The art and environments look good. I am said we are using Brainiac again. I am happy we are getting new content. Hopefully the story will be decent, but story writing has always been pretty much nill.

    Grade: C

    This looks good! I may even buy it. I hope you all show it off to us more before launch.

    Grade: A

    Alright, I am excited for John Stewart as an ally. Hopefully we get Hal Jordan soon. Looks like booster bundles are going to be common...which suck but whatever. Hopefully the new Episode 48 is good. Everything else looks pretty standard, nothing really surprising.

    Grade: C

    Overall Grade: C+

    Questions for Dev Team:

    I would love to see something address the long queue times for older content. It is a huge barrier that stops a lot of new players from playing longer. I have tried to introduce this game to friends, but when they get met with 60+ mins for queues that isn't current content they leave and don't come back. I would love to hear that this is going to get addressed at some point.