Premium Wait - 21 minutes

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SethZoulMonEl, Apr 17, 2016.

  1. Wiccan026 Loyal Player

    It is only suppoed to be temporary.
  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    That's what I figured. I would hope so. Every person waiting is money lost.
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  3. TheArmorsmith Dedicated Player

    I have yet to have any of these times I just long in on my PS3 account no wait times (premium) logged in my my PS4 account (different account) not wait time....So I don't see it so good luck to those going through it I guess...
  4. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    i don't feel sorry for them. They are freeloaders.
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  5. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Yep, those horrible future customers. They should stop playing before they spend any money on this game. I hate future customers. The game should die slowly, right?

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  6. Swiftduck Loyal Player

    I didn't say they should stop playing.

    I just said I don't feel bad for them.
  7. Saami Loyal Player

    EU servers doesnt have any problems or just too low population for any queue when loggin in?
    Im talking about peak times when most players should be on.
  8. VintageWine Dedicated Player

    Weren't we all freeloaders at some point though? :confused:
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  9. SethZoulMonEl 10000 Post Club

    Only if you started playing after the game went free to play. There are some who subscribed from the start.

    I started as a free to play player to test the game out. I would feel sorry for players like myself who are trying the game out and seeing it in its current state.
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  10. Owl Devoted Player

    When the game launched in January 2011, it required a full retail purchase of the game. $60 PS3 $50 PC $100 Collectors edition
    The game was subscription only until November 2011.
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  11. Sigzy09 New Player

    After the downtime yesterday free players took less time to enter the game than the premium ones... I guess I shouldn't have bought anything.
  12. Karas2016 Dedicated Player

    exactly all of us who came after the game went free to play are "freeloaders "lmao

    Thats true as well, the fact is playing for free was not a option then, if it was those same veterans would have did what we all "freeloaders" had done because in reality no would just optionally subscribe to a videogame without playing it a bit, unless ofcourse you are in familiar with who makes the game.
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  13. BumblingB I got better.

    From what I understood, they only allow one free player at a time.

    Ratio of: 15L:2P:1F. If that makes you feel any better. Less can get in overall.
  14. Delta796th Loyal Player

    S ituation
    N ormal
    A ll
    F 'ed
    U p
  15. Delta796th Loyal Player

    No not all of us
  16. Kaio Active Player

  17. evil keebler elf Well-Known Player

    Just curious, are all you guys that are complaining about que time, going by the timer it says? Because its not been close to how long ive had to wait. Like last night, i was in the 1200s...timer said 15mins....let the dog out, came back and i was logged in. If you want shorter que times, buy a sub. If ya dont wanna buy one, then you really dont have any reason to complain cause this is a temporary issue. But seriously, do we really need all these threads about the same thing over n over? We get it, your upset you have to wait a few mins to play a game. Mepps explained it rather nicely about how the que works. Legendary>premium>f2p. And if premium wait is longer than a f2p, thats cause there are alot more premiums than f2p
  18. Southbeatz Well-Known Player

    I read that the queue issue is only a temporary thing so really it shouldn't be that big of a deal. This is just a game after all so life will not end if everyone isn't able to always log in immediately with no wait time at all. Far as free players go though, many people start as free to try out the game then some are free loaders, trying to run the free content while complaining about it taking so long to gear up. Some prefer premium and just buy the content they want. I've played probably nearly 2 years in total and always preferred the sub because I couldn't stand having a cash cap plus it was just simpler.

    All content included, monthly replay badges given and monthly db cash or whatever it's called given each month as well so really no need to do anything but simply log in and enjoy with the sub. If someone can't afford it, that's fine but anyone not spending money on the game has no real cause to complain because this game doesn't have to be free. The game needs to make money to stay online and so that the devs can continue creating and releasing content, that's just the way games work. If someone is f2p then they're either just starting or they're not invested in the game so they're not truly benefiting the game or the paying players.

    I'm all for free players being able to play but the truth is the truth. If you can spend money and support the game, then you should even if it has flaws and issues. If the issues are too much for you to tolerate then it might be time to either take a break from the game or simply uninstall and quit. Games come and go, that's just how it is so no one should dwell on any one game too much even if it's their favorite game. We should be supporting this game as much as we can in hopes that Daybreak will either put extra effort into improving the game, maybe even upgrading a lot of the out dated things like graphics, ui and other things or maybe even consideration of a DCUO 2 or whatever it might be called, if ever created.

    A lot of money goes elsewhere but a good portion does go back into the game so supporting the game is the way to improve the chances of the game improving and expanding. Arenanet kept Guild Wars 1 for many years before making Guild Wars 2 and I felt GW2 was a big improvement so maybe we'll get lucky in the future and see something similar this DCUO but in its current version, DCUO is still my favorite MMO that I've played over the years since my first MMO.
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