Pre Revamp Support Roles

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Ichiro, Feb 25, 2019.

  1. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Feeling nostalgic.

    I miss how rage tanking used to be pre-revamp. The way it used to work with the rage mechanic. I miss seeing the scoreboard at the end showing me as the tank having more heals than the healer. Those were some good times. The way it plays now just isn't the same. Simply just rotating shields is just so boring.

    I miss mental trolling before stats revamp. I miss being able to double tick my pot. I miss the satisfying ring of weapon mastery clipped into a power for regen. Playing the role now just seems so easy you don't even have to think

    I haven't even dusted off my healer yet
  2. lordexecution365 Loyal Player

    I feel bad for ya.

    Unfortunately I also see it in another way.

    Healers need a buff in damage, while the troll role need stun duration to be based off dominance and a slight buff to damage to balance out with the tanks without being penalized for having debuffs or healing powers, instead of DPS powers to compensate.

    When those 2 roles do put damage in there load out it should be a slight boost but not that much difference.

    The revamp did many things that I do like and I know that there will be those who feel the way you do, I just feel that finally for tanks welcome to the fight, I know that it will be considered a move to the worst.

    I always felt that tanks we're basically a carry, to me it was, I always look at it as if every character should be capable of holding there own, able to run as there role, and participate in the fighting using there abilities and not just blocking 75%-80% of the time or sitting back in a corner with no risk and just collecting a drop.

    I don't expect others to agreeby no means, but from what you have said that really sounds boring to me.

    Double ticking...having to keep up P.o.T, debuffing, and stunning NPC's that break loose attacking the healer/s, while keeping up with my on power is more than enough to entertain me and we'll within the requirements to ensure a clean, efficient, and a very active way to play, especially since all that was need was a power dump and double ticking was all that was needed.

    The old way only needed 2 powers to troll, now practically every troll load out is open for usage with the whole load out.

    The game is too easy to minimize anything, the only thing that truly makes it bad is lag and the horrific burn that players put out in runs.

    Here is looking to a very eventful year.
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  3. Projeckt New Player

    I just got back post revamp and am pretty disappointed in the way trolling is now. Having pot on every power dumbs it down to me. Getting into the rhythm of the double tick was efficient and a challenge to do alongside mechanics.

    I’d like to see some buffs to the role such as adding a partywide might buff on a 60 second cool down and make debuffs matter more. Having them being more effective and being on a longer cooldown would bring player skill and decision making into play. Example: saving the might buff for when adds spawn and timing the damage debuff to prevent the boss’ one shot. Would make a troll more valuable to groups aside from being a battery.
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  4. Knarlydude Loyal Player

    I suggest that you take a look at some of the artifacts.
  5. Projeckt New Player

    I have. Not sure what you mean..
  6. Soul ReaperX Well-Known Player

    Oh, it seems as if I've stumbled onto a road I don't belong...... I'll just back out slowly, and no one will notice....
  7. Ryazan Dedicated Player

    This is something I'll never ever miss, being forced to use WM combos while in a support role.

    If I could remove 1 thing from this game's gameplay mechanics it would be WM combos. Silly looking combos that make no sense and break the immersion. Precision dps is a no no to me as I'm forced to use the silly combos if I wanna be useful. #deleteWMcombos
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  8. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    What artifact is he missing that do not make trolls batteries?
  9. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I feel you, but thing won't be changing. Every role has been made ridiculously easy, and with the addition of artifacts, its becomes even easier.