Power specific artifacts

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Robotsidekick, May 29, 2021.

  1. Robotsidekick Active Player

    This would make things more interesting.
    A lot of artifacts are generic especially the dps ones.

    Also you have the issue where you have things that do not work with your power set. The void gazer artifact makes no sense with my lantern and a spectral elemental that uses water does not match my electric.

    It also allows for more interesting bonuses specific to that power, like you could have an artifact about rage crash, ect.

    So the better alternative is ether make the same artifact over so it matches all powers, or give different artifacts for each power.
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  2. Essential Exobyte Dedicated Player

    So would that mean my electric toon could find an outlet nearby and plug-in and have unlimited power?

    Insert palpatine meme - unlimited power!!!

    Have ionic drain use its old animation mixed with the new one and have it be never ending as you shock every enemy in the room without stopping. Until someone trips over the cord and unplugs you...oops.

    Random thought here, in Love and War, Carrol Ferris can spawn in a lantern battery to power herself up...could that be a thing for other lantern powersets to place a battery nearby and have it charge you up?

    Nature users could carry a potted plant and use that to siphon pheromones or whatev to use in battle.

    I guess use your imagination for the rest. Not sure if this is what the OP meant, but could be an interesting feature that could be built into the artifacts.