Power difference on heroes and villains side

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by SlNISTERSlX, Jun 8, 2023.

  1. SlNISTERSlX New Player

    As we know villains side don't have much iconic players and I wanted to make Yellow Lantern on heroes side but yellow lantern power is just on villains side
    It's same thing about celestial,I wanted to use the darkness on my new character but it's only for villains side
    Please put this option to choose between the following powers and not only be for specific faction
  2. Skille Well-Known Player

    kinda takes away from the villainy feel of the powers, ya know?

    yellow bad
    purple evil

    kinda cool like that
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  3. Irvynnge Loyal Player

    I agree with celestial. but not with yellow lantern power. let the bad guys have their own lanterns. celestial, though? totally. I'd switch mine straight away if I could.
  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    Make a villain?
  5. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    I get wanting to do that (a hero Yellow Lantern that uses fear in a more Batman way and goes against the Corps. and Sinestro be more of a hero or antihero is actually a very interesting concept, NGL), but I don't think they can, sadly. Not for Lantern, at least. Not sure for Celestial. But DC/WB is VERY picky about what they'll allow the game to do with Lantern stuff and I highly doubt they'd let DCUO do that. You can still do the style as a Yellow Lantern, though, just your power will be green but you can just pretend it's yellow, I guess.

    I'm in a similar boat for my Celestial villain. She's really more of a grey-area "my own side" type (think in Teen Titans how Red X generally opposes the Teen Titans and especially Robin but always repays them if they help him in any way and one particular moment where Gizmo goes "wha-?! Who's side are you on?!" and he just responds "mine.") but since there's no faction for that and I have to choose one or the other. She doesn't fit neatly in either box, but she fits villain slightly better since she's just a bit too grey for straight up hero, which is why I made her villain (despite having a short stint as a Teen Titan). She's supposed to have life/light/celestial based magic, which is why I gave her that power, but her hand blasts are all that purple color because villain. Of course, the "blessed" loadout powers are still gold, but the handblasts thing does slightly bug me. Celestial is also based on Iconics (Dr. Fate and Eclipso), so DC/WB may also bar them from doing this with it, but I do think it's more possible than the Lantern one since I don't think they're quite as protective about it.
  6. bboy-rei Well-Known Player

    As celestial for my main villain, it would kill the purpose of different factions even further unless cross-faction is in the works.
  7. SlNISTERSlX New Player

    Villains side dead tho we can't look iconic without proper power,for example I couldn't make Barbatos on heroes bc celestial is blessed,we should have the choice of choosing between them, what if someone wants to make dawnbreaker on villains side what power he'll have to use Mepps!?