Power Change Help

Discussion in 'War Room (Powers, Artifacts, & Builds)' started by Warped Bacon, Jun 11, 2013.

  1. Warped Bacon New Player

    I am currently an 88cr sorcery healer, and it is fun for healing solos and all, but I feel that when my whole group gets hit for alot of dmg they roll out of my circle of destiny. Since my healing over times are hitting I have to spam rejuv and groups get mad at me because 1 person goes down each time because I can spam rejuv quick enough. I have a respect token and I am wondering which power to switch to if any. So here is my issue with choosing, I think electric has potential but I know I would use galvanize, arc lightning, bio capacitor, and invigorate but I don't like ionic drain and I can't remember if there are any more heals. My problem with nature is, I like the healing over times and its a lot easier to burst heal your group but I feel it uses a lot more power and there are ALOT of nature healers now. Please help. Please comment and let me know what you would do, the majority decides what I do because I am lost...
  2. Toxiic Committed Player

    As for electric there is electrogenesis which is a HoT and there is bio electric surge which is the normal first heal. You can also go the more challenging way and set up an electric PI to use electroburst which heals like galvanize. As for nature, I dont know why but i just cant get how to heal properly with it. I dont know how to keep my HoTs going like the other nature healers do. And your sorcery so instead of spamming rejuvinate why dont you use invocation of renewal?
  3. Warped Bacon New Player

    Well I just don't like cast times, that is the main reason I don't want to use ionic drain. Could you please tell me how hard your HoTs hit for galvanize ans what is your resto?