Possiblity of a US and EU merge

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by michaelacesmith, Mar 14, 2018.

  1. DanXVII Committed Player

    MMOs don't last forever though so population decline is inevitable and it only makes it HARDER TO RETAIN NEW PLAYERS when queues don't pop.
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  2. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    I've said the solution was never merging servers back in 2011 when we experienced our first merge prior to going to free-to-play (right after we came back from the hack).

    Alternatives to constantly merging servers until you run out of new servers to merge -
    • How about more solo playing options and making group content optional and scale (both difficulty and rewards) to how many people are in the instance rather than forcing a certain model (2,4 or 8).
    • More social options within the game that allows for people to post/schedule when they have time to play a raid or alert or bounty
    • Increase feats/rewards when grouped - if one member of the group breaks open a treasure box then everyone gets that counted against the number of boxes they've opened - if someone already has a feat that a group member achieved then they get an alternative award box, etc.
    • Allow for replaying of content for free by grouping up - if the majority of the group doesn't require replay badges to get loot, then it negates it for everyone else that's in the group - yes, it'll cost DCUO $ but would help facilitate playing content even after it's been played to help fill out teams.
    • Allow non-members to play content they haven't payed for as long as the majority of the group are members/own content.
    These are just off the top of my head, I bet I could come up with more if I tried.
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  3. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    Maybe or maybe they could have come up with something better. Cause here we are with people still asking for merges.

    Not looking for real solutions just asking for the same old quick fix.
  4. Doc.Doom15 Committed Player

    Merging servers in one continent/country != merging servers from different continents/countries. Judging from the replies here I will leave it at that.
  5. Eve YouTuber

    I can play just fine on US without lags (I rarely get lagged) and I'm not from USA.
    I play on both servers. I would like to play with my EU toons with my friends on
    US server, and it is only likely to happen with a merge. Which I don't see happening,
    not anytime soon.
  6. Twilight-Man Well-Known Player

    DCUO does tend to be a bit late when it comes to making the right move at the right time.
  7. TestReporter Loyal Player

    You can't say that, you don't know how many EUPC players would be there and if the game would be playable if they didn't merge it with PS (it's already hard to play with it merged lol) or if you would be able to find any group to old content in the USPC side (it takes hours with it merged depending on the time/day), all this just means a unfortunate population decrease, not that the merge didn't help with anything.

    The game could be dead if they didn't merge the servers, it doesn't fix all population issues and never will, even if they made a mega server with pc/ps/xbox and both eu/us without any lag it wouldn't be enough if the population kept decreasing, it just prevents a immediate chaos and let them have some time to change things, bring new players and/or get more money from us.
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  8. Nightcrawler Legionnaire

    DCUO isn't closing up shop tomorrow. They are live-streaming new, upcoming content tomorrow. They have shared plans to celebrate Superman's anniversary the following month and hints at more to come.

    All of this talk about "needing" a server merge (as was talk of most of the previous merges) is player based crying that they can't find a group. If you are here to talk about another merge then the previous merges DID NOT work.

    Please read my previous post on alternatives to how to "fix" the population issues that many players are perceiving. Each of those would solve this apparent "problem" better than yet another server merge would.
  9. High Troller Loyal Player

    I guess everybody missed what I had to say about EU/US Xbox merge. There is a good amount of lag. You can definitely tell who is not from your server. It's that bad.
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