Pop ups with membership

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by lllStrichcodelll, Jan 27, 2024.

  1. Hraesvelg Always Right

    So now I get to dismiss something else EVERY day? Maybe set a notification on your phone or something? I make to-do lists for tasks that are important that I sometimes forget. Maybe set a daily reminder to do your stuff? I don't know why I get to be annoyed by your absent-mindedness.
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  2. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh no, you'd have to click one extra button on your computer, once a day to dismiss a banner, if that's all it takes to annoy you then I'd suggest finding a better way to manage that.

    I supported the idea because it seems like a decent QOL feature to put a reminder somwhere, when you start putting obstacles in the way like "making settings options" then it's not likely to be implemented because that suddenly starts taking more time to develop.

    I personally see the banner as a friendly reminder to everyone, absent-minded or otherwise.
  3. Hraesvelg Always Right

    It must not be that important if it isn't part of your routine. I hit it first thing, takes less than a minute, then you get on with whatever else needs doing. But yeah, hitting the "do your stab" message, then a "THERE'S A SEASONAL YOU'VE BEEN DOING" and even a welcome screen does get annoying.

    I guess the people that need this might also find this song useful to play in their headset, lest they pass out.

  4. Proxystar #Perception

    I guess the people upset and/or annoyed at having to press one button to dismiss a banner might also find this song useful to play in their headset.

  5. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I believe the change was made because bot accounts, gold sellers, etc only had to log in to get the stabilizers, and they would do it on a scale that would make us players with multiple accounts look like average players.

    Now if you combine that with the changes made to the stabilizer event, it being made into a solo, bot account/gold sellers have no choice but to actually play the game if they want their free stabilizers. It sure as hell wont stop people from doing it, but the time difference from just logging in and accepting the rewards, to having to log in and run the stabilizer event is huge if you have to do so on 30,40,50+ accounts.

    Anyhow on topic, I collect the daily rewards and run the stabilizer event as soon as I log in, so I don't really need a reminder. However if they added one, that is fine as long as it can be ignored and not come back and or turned off entirely.
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  6. myandria Item Storage

    Well, if there was a way to hard set my choice of turning off those pop ups by selecting it in the Settings Tab, then I would be good with that. I would get annoyed if I had to toggle it off every day. Something like that should be a one and done toggle function in my opinion.

    For example:
    Go to settings
    Select the 'Banners' Tab (The devs would have to create this tab)
    Choose between "Reminder Banners on"/ "Reminder Banners off"
    Save your choice.
    Note: System banners, such as the one that announces new content/events, would not be affected.
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  7. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    I didn't think about that, but yeah, the gold selling spammers just sign on to stand around spamming about their website. I've seen their toons plenty of times, parked somewhere, more or less out of the way -- but I've never actually seen them playing. They'd have to be subbed in order to trade in-game cash, so it makes sense they'd collect the daily rewards, especially when stabs were on there. I still wonder why they were taken off the Dakota vendor, though. That was an incentive to play SttS, to get the Episode 45 marks, so you could buy a stabilizer once a week.
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  8. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    That seems to be the best way of making sure it's done....and that's why I do it that way personally. It's on my permanent 'as soon as I log in' checklist, along with check mail (if any) and check my batteries/buffs if I think I'm anywhere near expired.

    Personally I'd like that pop up on/off feature regardless of this being added. I find most pop ups are useless, especially the annoying task force X one that commandeers my buttons for a min when running a random raid.
  9. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    To be fair, it's more like 3 buttons as most pop up messages blank out your powers bar and text window till you enter a menu, then go back out. So yeah....3x the annoyance every time.

    Not to mention if it were implemented as requested (ever 2 hours), this belief that DBG could code it to detect if you've run it, and then not show the popup...is misguided. As mentioned, they can't seem to figure out how NOT to tell us the seasonal we've been running for 3 weeks doesn't need to be popped up again every week.

    Besides, I'm sure people forgetting to run it daily is 'working as intended'...so why would they 'fix' it for the absent minded?
  10. Proxystar #Perception

    Oh I wasn't on board with repetitive reminders, I meant one each day the first time you log in following a reset, that's it.

    I don't know what's happening with your seasonal banners either, I only ever get one account wide for the entire event.
  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Seriously...I just got one last night on like 14 accounts, yes...1 per account...but every account. It's 3 weeks in.

    I'm still not down with 1 a day, unless it can be 100% turned off. But as I said above, I'd turn all pop ups off if I could, including Waller.
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  12. Proxystar #Perception

    LOL, I don't know how that's happening to you, I literally get 1 notification per seasonal :D
  13. lllStrichcodelll ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

    Something I want to clarify regarding the routine and why players can forget this mission:
    Many players use Discord - especially on less populated servers - to roughly plan when other players are free to tackle a specific instance or feat.
    As soon as you log in, you get an invite and can't do the stabilizer solo.
    By the time your instance or feat is done, some hours may have passed, and depending on your schedule you may have to urgently get off fast or simply forget about it.

    Sure, some players play more solo and take their time and that's fine, but many players don't and there are real scenarios why this is a valid change.

    This particular argument kind of reminded me of the "Why would you need 100% SC upon login when you can manually fill it in 5min?" argument in another thread. It's because people need to switch their characters to get into an instance on another faction because of low-populated servers.
    Just because you don't encounter these problems doesn't mean they don't exist.
  14. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    I'd blame it on the PS4, but the PC accounts got them too. Can't swear on last week, but last night, and when it started...for sure.
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  15. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    No joke...if I get a Ninja invite when I first log in, I tell them re-inv in 2 min...then run my stabilizer.

    Ninja invites are low class and shouldn't be rewarded with acceptance.
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  16. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I'm not sure why they removed them from the vendors, maybe each additional stabilizer we could have been purchased from vendors was more than they wanted us to be able to obtain with it changing back to us also running the event.

    That or maybe because removing them in one vendor meant they had to be removed from all vendors, and it would have needed additional coding to keep them in specific vendors and they just didn't think it was worth doing it. I have no idea though, sorry. :D
  17. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Yeah, I don't know why they couldn't just leave the daily claim in, then remove the 'bonus' ones you could buy if they felt they were losing too many that way. With 2 vendors selling an account bound 1 stabilizer, it was potential for +8 per account. As that was basically a 70% bonus for free/premium (12 a month I think)...I can see where that might be alarming for them, sales wise....but removal of the bonus ones should have solved that issue. Putting the run back in seems overboard.
  18. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    As I mentioned in a previous post in this thread, I believe the removal of the stabilizers from the daily rewards and bringing the instance back(and turning it into a solo) was more related to bots/gold sellers being able to easily farm massive amounts of keys, so much that it makes you and I with our multiple accounts seem like just regular players.

    Granted that wont stop it from happening, but as you and I would know, the changes made sure as hell slowed things down as it forces everyone to actually play if you want your stabilizer keys.
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  19. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    Oh...it did that. But if it were to get the bot and gold sellers, I'd guess they can find away around it better than you or I. Maybe I'm giving them more credit that they should get, but I'm thinking it's more of a hassle for you and I than asioafaiose and nnasponard. Oops...hope I didn't accidentally blacklist some gold sellers.

    Personally I still run it every day, multiple times and get just about as many keys as I would have before MINUS the fact I can't pick up the extra 2 a week from vendors...2 that could have been removed without changing the grant to a run.
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  20. PsySomatic Extra Life 2020

    I don't think there is a way around it, and I don't really mind running the event so it's not that big of a issue for me.

    But my best guess for how one could get around it would be if you are really good programming you can basically have the computer log into multiple accounts and run everything for you on all those accounts, maybe?

    I don't even know if that is possible though, but either way it takes longer to run the event than to just accept the daily rewards and if you are doing it on 50, 60 or hell 100+ accounts, you now are required to use much more time than before if you want the stabilizers.

    I don't know how much of that can actually even be discussed on the forums as it just sounds like I am doing something wrong.. :D