plz turn comedy into human faces and deeper reds for lion

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by djcrossfade, Jan 27, 2016.

  1. djcrossfade Committed Player

    [IMG] i so badly want to get my super saiyan 4 on . and it would be cool if we had mad human mask with teeth
  2. Backseid Devoted Player

    Wow. That subject title was so bizarre, I had to pop in here...

    The two posts did zero to help it make any sense :eek:
  3. djcrossfade Committed Player

    i would use starfire's hair to make up a saiyan 5 :) and a super saiyan god 3 [IMG]

    this is off sub but if i had a hard light power i would rock this [IMG]