Please respect Robot Sidekick. No more pets.

Discussion in 'Joker’s Funhouse (Off Topic)' started by LeagueOfV, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    Recently there have been forum posts requesting new power pets:

    I AM YOUR PET! Although I prefer partner to "pet". I stay with you until the mission is done, and don't leave in the middle of a fight like those "trinket" things. Sidekick? Back-up security? Boo? They run when the going gets tough, and won't respond if you need them again quickly. I don't cost a supercharge and disappear. I stay until we win, or both die.

    I have a cool shield that I use randomly when not being attacked. I have melee and range attacks. I have an awesome rocket attack.

    Please respect me and use me. No more pets.

    Sincerely - Robot Sidekick
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  2. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    We support the no more pets thread.

    We also support any nerf/delete boo trinkets thread.

    Sincerely - BRICK, Supressor Turret, gahr-dee-uhn :confused: , FURY, watcher
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  3. Sir That Guy Loyal Player

    are you crazy! pets dont run from a fight, they fight first! you should be ashamed of yourself for insulting these pets:mad: ... just think of how poor lil' boo would feel:(
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  4. LeagueOfV Dedicated Player

    I support the 1 pet per power thread.

    I also believe the pet should not be more powerful than the hero, but can be cooler and more attractive.

    I also support any nerf/delete Brick thread.

    Sincerely - Crystal :p
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  5. General Zod 10000 Post Club

    Go! Pokéball!!!!!
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  6. Draco8573 New Player

    i really want a boo
  7. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    He's great...It's not too long until you can get your own...If you want you can hang out with my Boo Jr., but nothing below the neck needs to happen!
  8. Draco8573 New Player

    Can i has a hug from boo? o_O or a high five?
    But seriously I realy hope I get one. Is i hard to get one?
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  9. Errorcode1058 New Player

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  10. Erin Arror Dedicated Player

    Robot Pets

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  11. Meta Flare New Player

    I hope they make me way more useful and update my look cuz I look really dumb right now. I'm ashamed to be out with all the other pets.

    Sincerely snow devil.
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  12. Seratopia New Player

    I liked the summer seasonal fish monster pet. I thought he was adorable until I zoomed in on his face o_o

    But I really dont use pets. I just use my accomplice. Had a mister boo... Salvaged him.. Miss him dearly.
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  13. SpicyMoonlight Devoted Player

    My toy helicopter has been replacing most of my toons' pets.
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  14. MENTaLCAsE XIII New Player

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  15. Sir That Guy Loyal Player

    pffft, technology
  16. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    Jr. is pretty easy to get, I got three as random drops, if I recall correctly. I think Mr. and Mrs. are a little bit rarer.
  17. Draco8573 New Player

    So they are drops not something in a vendor like the sea creature trinkets from summer time
  18. nowburn4it Loyal Player

    It was a drop last year.
  19. Draco8573 New Player

    kinda hope we can buy it this year but it wont really matter if its a drop. as long as i get one.
  20. Hero of Justice New Player

    I don't think we'll ever see another power get a pet because Spytle loves Brick so much and couldn't stand another pet getting more attention! :p
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