Please remove roleless buffs on new content

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by PolishEagle, Jul 1, 2016.

  1. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    If you run as a troll or tank its kind of hard to get in RIT regular. We waited a while for this to drop, and now we have to wait for people to run with a troll or tank.
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  2. Derio 15000 Post Club

    .......(wait for it)

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  3. Fatal Star 10000 Post Club

    *Invites people to group*

    "Why are you trolling? We don't need one, go dps."
    "I can't, no dps gear"

    *random drops group, process repeats*
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  4. Sleepy Healer Steadfast Player

    I was on my alt who is a troll. Group is formed. Adds are melting making our way to 1st boss. Healer goes "dont need troll" few minutes later "troll go dps" 30 seconds later i have to find a new healer -_-
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  5. Black Prime OG Devoted Player

    I agree. In some people's defense, there are a lot of rude people that play this game. If anyone remembers the days of listening to trolls trying to measure their manhood to see who was throwing pot. Nowadays with people going to other games it is hard getting a group together, sometimes. Not all the time, but sometimes. Not just bodies either, people that know how to play. That's the one thing missing from this game. The ability to measure and see what someone's skill level is.
  6. The Anxient Loyal Player

    Yeah! Role less buff is a joke. I can see it being good for old content bc not as many people are running those but for new content it is nothing more than another reason for button mashers to exclude support roles.
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  7. Twelve Gauge Committed Player

    Make them play how i want them to play!!
    ^Thats you
  8. TybeeTahiri Devoted Player

    I've had more luck pugging in Controller role than Damage role.
  9. Wallachia Devoted Player

    Actually he's complaining exactly about people like that, and he's saying people act like that because of roleless buffs.
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  10. Ichiro Loyal Player

    alerts at best are only for dps and healers. Trolls and tanks are dispensable accessories.
  11. Entrust Committed Player

    Why do you believe that the removal of roleless buffs will promote inclusion of tank/troller/healer roles?

    At what point should roleless buffs be added to alerts, if they are removed from new content?

    If you believe that roleless buffs should be removed from new episode alerts, so support roles will be included, shouldn't that same reasoning apply to all content, and therefore be removed completely?

    Just some questions for further thought, I don't support or contest the suggestion. I would however like to hear more about the rationale behind it. Thanks.
  12. PolishEagle Dedicated Player

    So no new drops on my toon? Kind of unfair.
  13. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Yeah man kinda sucks when I main a tank and I can't switch to dps at all.

    O wait, I switch roles and dps.
  14. Ichiro Loyal Player

    Yep sucks for my tank and troll. I just blind queue pug if I want to run as tank or troll otherwise I go as DPS.
  15. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    I always heal when new content comes out because healers are always needed. Because of solo trolling and the no need for a tank I don't even play with my tanks or trolls anymore.

    People are already asking me to solo heal Darkseids war factory. Absolutely not, solo healing end content is tiresome, stressful, and puts a lot of weight on my shoulders that I don't want to deal with.

    You have enough time to get tank sets and dps sets? Congrats?

    Too bad you're "quitting"...
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  16. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Not hard when an alert takes 15 minutes. As soon as I find some $$$.

    I know you will miss me:)
  17. Amanda Bailey Devoted Player

    We both know that alert does not take you 15 minutes.

    I miss no one.
  18. Exodusblack Well-Known Player

    I have blind qued and everyone played their role. Quit trying to mess up the game because some people are jerks.
  19. Beefiest Cakes Committed Player

    Yeah it's under;)

    Don't like to yourself now about missing me.
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  20. pitbullb3 Devoted Player

    I level my tank through the que system. When/if you do, be ready for a 30-45min run, but atleast you get it done for the day. On another note, i wish the dev stop making operations, so the villains que pop faster