Please remain calm and don't attack me....

Discussion in 'Gotham City (General Gameplay)' started by Vargann, Aug 20, 2023.

  1. Vargann Well-Known Player

    I know this will probably cause a rash of attacks but here dcuo getting ready to shutdown? The reason I'm asking is because I have been seeing a lot of videos on youtube saying just that. Appreciate all input!
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  2. Eve YouTuber

    No? They are releasing updates pretty regularly. Next Gen coming out in the holidays, new episode in October. Some people seems to love to doom and gloom.
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  3. Vargann Well-Known Player

    LOL I thought as much but just wanted to ask. Thanks.
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  4. K3str3lDC Dedicated Player

    Yeah, people do that for everything popular, too. It's the classic tabloid clickbait thing that's been happening in various forms since way before any of us existed, before our parents existed, or their parents. It's akin to those magazines you see while you're checking out at the register showing a big picture of a famous couple with big capital letters "CELEBRITY ONE AND CELIBRITY TWO BREAKING UP?! DUAL AFFAIRS?!" and some circle with some dude's face with an arrow pointing at it and saying "WHO'S HE?!" and all that jazz. Or those blogs and Youtube channels that constantly nitpick a billion reasons every single movie that comes out actually sucks and is trash.
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  5. Vargann Well-Known Player

    Agree 100%!
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  6. Jcal Dedicated Player

    Don't click on any of those "Mr Beast is giving away money" links :)

    Sorry, couldn't resist, lol. Don't believe everything you read/see on the internet.
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  7. Vargann Well-Known Player

    Yeah, I know....
  8. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    They're releasing seasonals pretty regularly. Episode content has taken a back seat.
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  9. Achikah All About That Base

    Naw. I'd actually argue the game's pretty active right now. I know some people complain about STU, but from what I've seen, LFG's been moving moreso than it has just a few weeks ago. For a lot of casual/average players it's a great time to catch up on alt cr and farm extra TC/Ally Favor, and for base decorators the broker's flush with furniture. I've also had a few leaguemates come back too and have been having fun helping them catch up. Really, it's the best time to play in my opinion. Even my EU queues which are at odd hours have taken relatively quick.

    So ya, I wouldn't worry too much. Everyone's interest is different and some are more vocal than others about it. Until we get a definitive letter from the company I'm not gonna worry about What-Ifs too much and just enjoy playing the game where and when I can.
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  10. golddragon71 Dedicated Player

    Wishful thinking by the haters. Play on!
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  11. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

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  12. TI99Kitty Dedicated Player

    Or all those channels that are nothing but videos of "The Life and Sad Ending of [celebrity]." And then when you google said celebrity, they're not only still alive, they're still active in whatever field they're famous in.
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  13. Multiverse 15000 Post Club

    There is a small army of Youtuber who hate DCUO for various reasons....
    so very easy to find videos predicting that DCUO will shut down.

    Nothing new really..... we have been hearing that DCUO will shut down for 12 years now.
    I even made video about this a few years ago...

    Here is my latest video... ;)

    Although to be fair.... DCUO will shut down...... someday..... hopefully many years from now.

    But not today. ;) ;)
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  14. Eve YouTuber

    I meant they're updating the game and that's still part of updating the game with them confirming stuff is coming such as the episode and the next gen update. They still release patch notes with fixes too. Content is content and updates are updates no matter if you like them or hate them.
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  15. TheLorax 15000 Post Club

    It's not about liking or hating the content, this isn't about feelings. I'm commenting directly on the quantity and quality of content. I would say it was going in a good direction up until 2021. Yes they may be updating the game but keep in mind they are now a whole two episodes behind. There are still bugs and broken features from as old as 2019 that haven't been fixed. There have been a lot of red flags and I'm not saying the game is shutting down any time soon but the lack in communication and leadership is obvious.

    If there were no new episodes next year in 2024 just seasonals, a new legendary ally and a different recycled Save the Universe every month would you be satisfied with that? Content is content and updates are updates right?
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  16. Proxystar #Perception

    I'm just going to say it as well, but anyone who thinks the next DLC isn't just going to be a clone of the last 10 or so we've had since JLD itself then they're kidding themselves.

    It'll be the same mechanics, the content, the same gear grind, the same mod grind, the same augment grind, the same OP gear grind, the same, same, same, same same...

    At this point all that's happening is they're copying and pasting each DLC and then cutting bosses it seems from other content and pasting them in to the new content.

    I'm not telling anyone else how to feel about the game, you're allowed to enjoy it, but the DLC's in this game have been lacking inspiration and have got stale for a long time now and I'm not expecting that to change with this upcoming DLC either.

    I still enjoy this game on an overall level, but this is the most disengaged I've been since 2011, every DLC is a clone.
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  17. Solarbound Committed Player

    Been seeing such videos in abundance myself lately. It should always be concerning when more players continue to speak out like that. Daybreak/Dimensional Ink simply hasn't done enough. I guess we're lucky whales exist -_-
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  18. FlawlessTime Dedicated Player

    Beautifully put I am looking for forward to JLD cursed but I already know the content will be low one solo, alert and raid my god. I already know it will be just a clone of what we have been getting so far and the lack of inspiration shows it's really sad.
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  19. kingofthebeast Active Player

    No , his statement is correct. Look I love dcuo ( been playing since beta off and on) but the lack of ( fresh)content is obvious.
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  20. Reinheld Devil's Advocate

    This actually makes me think of a question I asked many years ago. Whenever the game will be shutting down, would you want any warning(like a final month), or to just come in one day to the news it's down? Realistically unless the full company went belly up, they'd probably know 30 odd days in advance they were shutting the servers down....would you want them to share, or just keep silent so you could go on not knowing till the sun exploded?

    Personally I'd want SOME warning....say my goodbyes, burn a few bridges, maybe a few 'glory days' type runs, then 'poof'.

    Not to mention it would take a month to open the 1000+ unlocked TCs I'm sitting on.:( Wasted inventory I guess.
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