Please fix the Electric and Nature group shields (non-super)

Discussion in 'Old Arkham (Bug Archive)' started by Cadens, Jan 5, 2019.

  1. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Both of these shields strip away the hard light shield. This would be fine if it simply replaced it, however, I start taking damage immediately. This has been a problem for months and has been a serious issue for tanks that stack shields.

    Thank you.
  2. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Sorcery 4-man shield op tho,the only one to get overwritten by hardlight shield.
  3. Cadens Dedicated Player

    Water, Celestial are both fine also.
  4. codyxrhstou Well-Known Player

    Both celestial's blessing and sacrifice overwrite hardlight shield
  5. Cadens Dedicated Player

    That isn't what I am saying. Overwriting is fine. Removing is not. Electric and nature REMOVE the shield and you immediately start taking damage.
  6. JKwak Well-Known Player


    so it WAS actually my fault the other day?:confused::oops: